Principles - advanced editor Flashcards
how do PT and APTT differ?
stimulate different arms of the coagulation cascade
what is the pressure-volume curve?
what does it reflect?
what does it look like in diastole/systole
yaxis = LV pressure
xaxis = LV volume
shows that as volume in the LV increases, the pressure inside increases
in diastole: - hits a limit where to increase volume further, have to massively increase pressure
in systole - get a plateau with a taller curve
annotate LV pressure loop
which heart sounds are found at which part of the LV pressure-volume loop?
describe how cardiac pacemaker cells set the intrinsic heart rate
3 phases
Phase 0 - upstroke
- depolarisation
- calcium channels open when threshold is released - calcium influx = depolarisation
phase 3
- repolarisation
- K+ flows out to repolarise celll
phase 4
- spontaneous depolarisation - no stable resting membrane potential, due to leaky Na+ hannels
- Na+ and Ca2+ are flowing in
how do parasympathetics slow the heart rate
Ach binds M2 receptors
- these are negatively coupled (inhibit) adenylate cyclase
- ↓cAMP
- inhibits L-type calcium channels from opening
- reduces the Ca2+ current in phase 0 of cardiac contraction
m2 also open K+ channels - this is a hyperpolarising current
- slowss the fluxes of Na and Ca
- slows phase 4 - it takes longer to reach threshold and fire - slows heart rate
how do sympathetics accelerate the sa node
NA -> binds B1 adrenoceptor
- GPCR (stimulatory)
- activates adenylate cyclase -> ↓cAMP
- cAMP -> activates protein kinase A -> phosphorylates sites on Ca2+ channels -> opens Ca2+ channels
- Ca2+ enters
- increased slope of phase 4 in SA and AV nnodes
- ↑rate of firing of SA node
- ↑conduction in AV ode
can trigger dysrhythmias
increase HR too much - can’t cope
dose determines effect
Histology of atheroma (low power)
- Fibrous cap - often exists on top of plaque
- Lumen - 1/4 size of normal; intima is a lot thicker
- Lipid rich core - necrotic tissues (dead foamy cells, extracellular lipid) has formed the white arrow
- see Blood Vessels - can have bleeding within the plaque
- Lymphocytes (dark purple dots) are also seen
Histology of atherosclerotic plaque
- Chronic inflammatory cells - lymphocytes
- dystrophic calcification
- ECM - laid down by infiltrating smooth muscle cells
- Medial smooth muscle cells
- Cholesterol clefts - point ends; deposition of cholesterol crystals
+ necrotic debris
+ lipids
+ foam cells
What is a foam cell?
Macrophage with foamy cytoplasm - lipid rich
Steps in healing of atherothrombus
heals by organisation
- granulation tissue grows in from the intima of the vessel wall
- infiltrates
=> thrombus is replaced by fibrovascular granulation tissue
this turns into scar tissue
in larger vessels - also see recanalisation
- larger vessels develop within the fibrovascular granulation tissue
What are important sites of atherosclerosis? (5)
- abdominal aorta
- carotid arteries - cerebral infarction
- leg vessels - eg femoral artery narrowing - infarction and damage to peripheries
- renal vessels
- mesenteric arteries - occlusion leads to small bowel infarct
Consequence of atherosclerosis in renal artery
renal artery stenosis - causes atrophy of one kidney -> can cause hypertension
renal infarct - embolism in a kidney - necrosis
Risk factors for atherosclerosis
- Age + gender
- Genetics
- Hypertension
- Diabetes mellitus
- Cigarette smoking
- Lipoproteins profile
- Obesity
- Metabolic syndrome
- Physical inactivity
- Proteinuria
- marker of renal disease
- may be overlap of RF’s (same ones lead to renal disease and atherosclerosis)
- ? Type A personality
- ? Role of low grade infection
How do age and gender impact on risk of atherosclerosis?
Age + gender
- Men >45yrs
- Women: post-menopause
- ? protective role of oestrogen?
- relatively higher HDL in premenopausal women
How does hypertension increase risk of atherosclerosis?
shear stress on blood vessels- subtly damages endothelium
What is a genetic RF for atherosclerosis?
genetics= mutlifactorial
familial hypercholesterolaemia - small % of cases (atherosclerosis at young age)
How does diabetes predispose to atherosclerosis?
oxidative stress and endothelial alterations:
- chronic hyperglycaemia -> advanced gycation end products (AGEs) -> oxidative stress and endothelial alterations
Diabetics have altered balance of LDL and HDL - smaller denser LDL = ‘diabetic dyslipidaemia’
How does cigarette smoking predispose to atherosclerosis?
Toxic damage
May promote thrombosis -> increase risk of complications from atherosclerosis
How does your lipoproteins profile change susceptiblity to atherosclerosis
influenced by genetics, diet
- Elevated low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDL)
- LDL and VLDL are taken up by cells in response to stress and form plaque
- risk is influenced by size and density of LDL
- -> smaller and more dense = more atherogenic
- lipoprotein (a) - elevated levels associated with increased coronary and cerebrovascular disease risk
- Low levels of HDLs
- HDL – prevent oxidation of LDL, and remove cholesterol from circulation
What are some possible complications of atherosclerosis (3)
- Ischaemia
- acute or chornic - depends on the tissue oxygen needs
- due to
- Fixed vessel narrowing +/- endothelial dysfunction leading to impaired release of vasodilators -> relative vasoconstriction of distal smaller vessels = reduces lumen size
- Increased demand for oxygen (other causes)
- Sometimes caused by thrombosis (following acute plaque event) or embolism
- on top of the atherosclerosis
- due to injury, fissuring, ulceration of endothelium
- Infarction
* Not due to the atherosclerosis itself - but something on top (usually thrombus)
* Thrombus may be partially or completely occlusive
* Embolic occlusion: by plaque (athero-embolism) or thrombus (thrombo-embolism)
- Aneurysm
- rupture
- atherosclerosis -> reduced O2 to media -> damage media, weakens, -> dilation
- most common associated wtih atherosclerosis: aorta
How does thrombus occur in atherosclerosis
- Thrombus forms following acute plaque event: ulceration, fissuring, coagulation etc
- Plaques with thin fibrous caps most susceptible to rupture/fissuring - thick caps reduce chance of rupture
- fissure of endothelial wall -> contents of plaque can extrude into blood vessel
- Thrombosis: balance between coagulation and spontaneous fibrinolysis
Aneurysm classifications
Which type does atherosclerosis usually form
True aneurysm (saccular) - focal dilation = berry aneurysm
True aneuryms (fusiform) - entire circumference
atherosclerosis: fusiform
Causes of aneurysms (4)
(1) atherosclerosis
* usually form fusiform aneurysm
(2) congenital weakness in wall
* probably predisposing factor of berry aneurysms around the circle of Willis
(3) systemic hypertension
- arteriolar damage -> form microaneurysms in cerebral arterioles = hyaline arteriosclerosis
- arteriosclerosis -> thickening and hardening of artery -> leads to decreased perfusion of media -> weakening of media -> dilation
(4) infection in artery wall = mycotic aneurysm
Complications of aneurysms
rupture - hameorrhage
development of thrombosis + embolism
Vessel dissection
- types
- common sites
- risk factors
- complications
types: A = arises in arch; B = arises further down
sites: aorta, carotids, coronaries
risk factors: hypertension** (+marfan’s)
- rupture of wall - haemorrhage
- into pleural cavity - death
- into pericardial cavity - tamponade - impair filling - death
- narrow coronary/carotids as they leave aortic arch
- coronary + carotid ischaemia - heart attack, stroke
What are some age-related changes you see in vessels? (age related arteriosclerosis) (3)
- Arteriosclerosis of large arteries
- Intimal thickening of small arteries
- Hyaline arteriolosclerosis - arteriolar hyalinosis
Age related change - arteriosclerosis of large arteries
- pathogenesis
degeneration of medial elastic tissue and fibrosis (collagen deposition) with age
- leads to loss of elasticity and dilatation
- may increase systolic BP a bit - because not as distensible
see intimal fibrosis - stiffening and thickening of intima
doesn’t cause narrowing of arteries - doesn’t affect blood flow
What is hyaline arteriosclerosis?
changes in arterial wall
RF - age, hypertension
Age -> ↑haemodynamic stress on endothelium (aggravated by systemic hypertension)
=> leads to leaky endothelium => deposition of plasma proteins in wall (albumin, fibrinogen, collagen)
Changes in arterial wall
- thickened by hyaline (homogenous eosinophilic glassy materia)
- narrowed lumen
Consequences = narrowed, weakened arteris
- stroke
- chronic ischaemia -> atrophy of supplied tissues
- hypertensive retinopathy (schaemia in retina)
- usually no infarct/acute ischaemia because process is chronic
Ischaemia - definition
Deficiency of O2 blood in a tissue (real or relative) -> shortage of O2, impaired aerobic respiration
(less O2, less waste removal)
- reduced flow (local vascular narrowing, occlusion)
- increased demand
- systemic hypoperfusion (heart failure, blood loss)
Acute ischaemia
- causes
- effects
- clinical manifestation
Causes- acute narrowing or occlusion, that is not enough for infarct
- often due to increased demand that can’t be met because of atherosclerosis, ventricular hypertrophy (in myocardium)
Effects - depends on the tissue - impaired function, pain; if longer - infarct
Clinical manifestation
- transient ischaemic attacks - eg brain (generally embolic)
- claudication in legs
Chronic ischaemia
- causes
- effects
causes - chronic narrowing of blood vessels - usualyl atherosclerosis
effects - depend on the tissue
- cell, tissue atrophy, often associated fibrosis (macrophages - cytokines)
- impaired healing (requires good blood)
Infarct - definition
- causes
Area of necrosis caused by (acute) ischaemia
Cause: 99% are due to thrombotic/embolic events; almost all arterial
Others - external compression (dissection), vasospasm, systemic hypoperfusion, compartment syndrome
venous causes of infarction
usually thrombotic
otherwise, twisting or compression
how are infarcts classified?
Colour: red (haemorrhage), pale (anaemic)
Presence/abscence of infection - septic or bland
Where do you see haemorrhagic infactrs?
- Venous occlusion
- reperfusion of necrosis
- Loose tissues that allow blood to collect in infarcted zone - lung
- Tissues with dual circulations - lung, small intestine (blood from unobstructed flows to necrotic zone)
pale infacts - where are they found
arterial occlusoin in solid organs with end-arterial circulation
=> solidity limits amount of haemorrhage that can seep into necrotic area
heart, spleen, kidney
what type of infarct seen in brain?
pale + haemorrhagic
what shape are most infarcts?
what might you see in serosal surface?
What do you see at lateral margins
mostly wedge-shaped - occluded vessel at apex, periphery of organ at base
if serosal surface - overlying fibrinous exudate
Lateral margins - follow the blood supply
- start of poorly defined + haemorrhagic
- over time - better defined, with narrow rim of inflammation at edge
Histology of infarct
- features
- when do you see change
- how does it progress over time
Coagulative necrosis - hypereosinophilic, ghost outlines, karyolysis (fading nuclei), loss of detail in cytoplasm
Don’t see any change in first 6-12hrs
OVer time:
- initially acute inflammation (neutrophils)
- healing by organisation= granulation tissue (macrophages, capillaries, fibroblasts, lymphocytes), cells replaced by scar tissue
EXCEPT BRAIN - liquefactive necrosis
What are some factors that influence whether ischaemia develops into infarct / affect size of infarct (7)
- Size of the artery occluded
- Duration of occlusion and the vulnerability of the cells to ischaemia (eg neurons vs glial cells; neurons - survive only minutes; cardiac muscle cells - ~20 mins of complete ischaemia requred, where skeletal muscles survive hours)
- Whether the artery is carrying oxygenated or deoxygenated blood
- The nature of the arterial supply -
- end artery
- dual supply (lung, liver)
- natural collateral circulation
- Previous development of a collateral circulation as a result of chronic ischaemia
- The oxygen content of blood
- The state of the systemic circulation
- Rate of development of occlusion
- slowly developing occlusions allow time for collateral vessels to develop/grow
Formation of thrombus - pathogenesis
disturbance of balance between factors that promote thrombogenesis + thrombolysis
= disturbance to virchow’s triad
- endothelial injury (main influence)
- alteration of normal blood flow
- hypercoagulability
how does endothelial injury promote thrombosis
what are some causes of injury
- Endothelial injury - dominant influence
- physical disruption: exposes blood to collagen and tissue factor
- dysfunction: disruption of the normal balance between production of pro- and anti-thrombotic factors
- due to hemodynamic stresses of hypertension, turbulent blood flow over scarred valves, bacterial endotoxins
causes include:
- Direct trauma
- Atherosclerosis
- Immunologic or infective inflammation of endothelium or endocardium e.g. infective endocarditis, vasculitis
- Of endocardium following myocardial infarction
how does alteration to normal blood flow promote thrombosis
what are some causes
- Alternation of normal blood flow = eg stasis, turbulence
normal flow: laminar -> platelets flow centrally, and are separated from endothelium by slower moving, clear zone of plasma
if you disrupt laminar flow
- bring platelets into contact with endothelium
- prevent dilution of active clotting factors by fresh flowing blood
- retard inflow of clotting factor inhibitors and permit the build-up of thrombi
- promote endothelial cell activation
causes include
- Turbulence e.g. in aneurysms
- also causes endothelial injury or dysfunction, forms countercurrents and pockets of stasis
- Slowing e.g.
- In impaired mobility: role of leg muscle pump
- Hyperviscosity of blood
- Atrial fibrillation
How does hypercoagulability promote thrombosis
what are some causes
increase in pro-coagulation factors and decrease in anti-coagulation factors
causes include
- Post operative and post-traumatic states and with severe burns
- Genetic e.g. Factor V Leiden mutation, prothrombin mutation
- Certain malignancies (notably adenocarcinoma of the pancreas), probably via the production of procoagulant substances
- High oestrogen levels: peri-partum, oral contraceptives
- Post myocardial infarction
- Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome
- Obesity