Principles Flashcards
What is the Church?
- People of God called out from all peoples and places (Eph 5:25)
- Universal Church on Earth (1 Cor 12:28)
- The Lord’s people over a wide area and number of places. i.e. Judea (Acts 9:31)
- Sometimes Xns over a smaller area ie. Jerusalem (Acts 11:22)
- One congregation (Col 4:15)
- “Witsius” Church = sociery of holy men called out of the word, by word of gospel, in paritipaition of Cov of Great in Christ
- John Murray – “The assembly of the Covenant people of God”
What are the central components of the Church?
1) People = the disciples of Jesus
2) Jesus = The church of Christ. It’s identity in Him.
3) Holy Spirit
4) The Word
5) Sacraments.
How does the Church come into existence?
- Character is in its relation to God
o Bannerman (vo1, ch2, 18): owes origin to Christ
o Not a voluntary society. (WCF 25.)
o Murray vol 2 p330 – Christ and Church organically related. Church has all its life from X the head
Vol 1 p238 – The Church ‘if we think of Christ apart from the church we’re guilty of dismemberment’
What are Characteristics of the Church?
o Holiness
o Unity
o catholic
o perpetuity
Church Government?
- Rule by Elders
- The argument in favour is that Presbyteros and Piskapos are interchangeable (Acts 20)
- Priest / Bishop / Archbishop
Independency (Congregationalism)
- Church members have rule.
- Elders can make decisions without concurrence of members
What is establishment principle?
Church and state relationship.
Separate, but have 2 way relationship
State should make provision for Xn worship
X is king of state and church
What is Spirituality (or Spiritual independance of Church)?
Church and state should not interfere with each other sphere of sovereignty