Principles Flashcards
Describe the timeline of foetal development
1) Gametogenesis
2) Fertilisation
3) cleavage
4) gastrulation
5) formation of body plan
6) organogenesis
What is gametogenesis
Formation of gametes (egg/sperm)
Why does meiosis need to occur
To form haploids with half the amount of normal chromosomes so that when the gametes (haploids) join together, they would have a complete chromosome set instead of missing or having extra pairs
When does oogenesis begin
During foetal stage
When does oogenesis end
After menopause
The number of total oognoia during the female’s whole lifetime is determined
During foetal stage
Describe oogenesis
1) Primordial germ cell undergoes mitosis to form oogonia
2) oogonia forms primary oocytes
3) Primary oocyte stays dormant till puberty
4) Primary oocyte undergoes 1st meiotic division to form secondary oocyte
5) secondary oocyte undergoes 2nd meiotic division, forming definitive oocyte (haploid)
When does spermatogenesis occur
Begins at puberty and continues throughout life
Describe spermatogenesis
1) spermatogonia undergoes mitosis
2) one of the cell will be used to replenish spermatogonia the other undergoes mitosis
3) The cell that undergoes mitosis produces primary spermatocytes
4) Primary spermatocytes then undergoes meiosis to form secondary spermatocytes
5) secondary spermatocytes undergo 2nd meiosis -> spermatids
6) Spermatids undergo spermiogenesis to form spern
What happens to the fertilised egg after fusion of sperm and egg
Membrane thickens
Sperm receptors are shed
This prevents other sperm from entering
What is cleavage
Period of mitotic division to form blastomeres -> forms morula -> forms blastula
Feature of blastomere
There is no increase in overall size, the cells become smaller and smaller after each division
When does blastula form
When fluid filled blastoceal cavity forms
What happens to the cells in blastula
Separated into 2 groups
1) trophoblast: cells that form the placenta
2) Embryoblast: cells that form the embryo
What is gastrulation
The process by which 3 different layers are formed in the embryo
What are the 3 different layers formed in the embryo during gastrulation
Which layer in gastrulation is the outer layer of the embryo
Which layer in the embryo during gastrulation is the inner layer
Ectoderm is used to form
Nervous tissue
Mesoderm is used to form
Skeletal muscles Dermis (middle layer of skin) Bone Heart Urogenital system
What happens during formation of body plan
Embryonic folding occurs
When does gastrulation occur
Week 3
When does formation of body plan occur
17 days after fertilisation
What happens in organogenesis
The 3 germ layers forms organs as the cells undergo differentiation and become specialized
Where does fertilisation occur
What does the penetration of sperm into egg cell trigger
The secondary oocyte to undergo 2nd meiosis to form definitive haploid
Cortical granules in the oocyte to release contents to prevent further entry by other sperm cells
What is the layer that surrounds the blastomeres called
Zona pellucida
What is considered as morula
When there are more than 16 blastomeres
What is blastocyst hatching
Blastula hatches out of zona pellucida to allow increase in growth and implantation
Where does the blastula attach to after blastocyst hatching and how
Attaches to the posterior or anterior endometrium epithelium by trophoblasts
When does implantation of blastula occur
On day 6
What is corpus luteum
A temporary endocrine structure that releases progesterone hormone to maintain lining of uterus for implantation
Corpus luteum is developed from
Empty follicle (follicle ruptures to release oocyte)
Embryoblast separates into which 2 layer s
Tophoblast separates into which 2 groups
Function of syncytiotrophoblast
Allows implantation
Secrete hCG to stimulate corpus luteum to release progesterone
What closes the endometrium after implantation has been completed
Fibrin coagulum
What are the 2 cavities formed by the 2 layers of embryoblast
Primitive yolk sac
Amniotic cavity
Which embryoblast layer forms the primitive yolk sac
What are lacunae
Vacuoles in syncytiotrophoblast layer which allows maternal blood to diffuse into the embryoblast
What structure eventually forms the umbilical cord
Connecting stalk
How is definitive yolk sac formed
When a second wave of hypoblast migrate
What is chorionic cavity and how does it form
Chorionic cavity is the cavity surrounding the embryo
It forms as extraembryonic mesoderm develops and degenerates around the bilamnar embryonic disc (epiblast and hypoblast layers)
When does primitive streak form
Day 15