Principles (1-11) Flashcards
Principle 1
A straight line is the shortest line between two points.
Principle 2
Only one straight line can be drawn between two points.
Principle 3
Two straight lines can intersect at only one point.
Principle 4
Quantities (lines) equal to the same quantity (line) are equal to each other.
Principle 5
The whole is equal to the sum of all its parts.
Principle 6
The whole is greater than any of its parts.
Principle 7
If equals are added to equals, the sums are equal.
Principle 8
If equals are subtracted from equals, then the remainders are equal.
Principle 9
Doubles of equals are equal.
Principle 10
Halves of equals are equal.
Principle 11
If the first of three quantities is greater than the second, and the second is greater than the third, then the first is greater than the third.