Principle of epidemiology Flashcards
What are the three descriptive epidemiology principles?
1)Measures of outcome occurrence
(measures of disease frequency)
2)Causation (aetiology)
3) Measure of risk
When measuring the outcome occurrence(measure of disease frequency) what are things that are measured?
What does prevalance mean?
Number of cases of a disease in a given population at a specific time or period.It describes a group at a certain point in time.
How do you calculate prevalence rate?
Number of persons with a condtion(disease)/Total number in the group
What is incidence in epidemiology?
A number of new cases of a disease that develop over a specified period of time as a proportion of the population concerned.
How is the incidence rate calculated?
Number or persons developing a condition(disease)/Total number at risk (per unit of time)
If recovery and death rates are high what does that mean?
This indicates the chroncity is high, meaning their is high prevalence.This means more people have the disease.
What are the two types of prevalence rates?
Point prevalence- prevalence measured at on point in time
Period prevalence–prevalence measured over an interval of time.
What does causation(etiology) means in epidemiology ?
This the backstory of the disease.Epidemiological research into etiology relates to the early stages in the natural history of disease.
What are the problems of etiological investigation of disease?
1) Absence of known agent
2) Multi factorial nature of etiology
3) Long latent period
4) Indefinite onset
What agents can cause etiology in people?
1) Environmental agents e.g chemical
2) Genetic factors e.g age
what is molecular epidemiology?
This is when advanced laboratory methods are used in combination with analytical epidemiology to identify specific exogenous agents and host factors that play a role in human disease causation at the molecular or biochemical level.
What is absolute risk?
This risk is synonymous with incidence and means the rate of occurrence of the condition or disease.
What is relative risk?
Incidence rate among exposed/Incidence rate among non-exposed
What is attributable risk?
Incidence rate among exposed/Incidence rate among non/exposed