Principals of Church Growth-2 Flashcards
What is the definition of true leadership? The ability _______?
to guide, to show the way by going along with or in front of.
What are the two purposes of leadership?
- To achieve a desired goal with the proper results
2. To achieve that goal in the smoothest way possible
How did Jesus Christ illustrate the importance of building leadership?
By the way he structured the church
List the 12 attributes of good leadership
- A well defined purpose in life
- A well organised personal life
- Mastering the art of self-control
- A consultative decision maker
- Seeking to communicate better
- Getting along with others
- Knowing how to delegate
- Being flexible
- Knowing how to delegate
- The power of enthusiasm
- Being highly motivated
- Persistency
True or False:
Leadership is not holding a position and having authority
True or False:
The animal kingdom does not need leadership
True or False:
Jesus delegated authority
True or False:
Jesus never built an organisation
True or False:
A leader should always show his emotions and feelings
True or False:
A good personality is vital to being a good leader
True or False:
Having clear vision and big vision is important
True or False:
It is not necessary for a leader to manage himself well
Which styles of evangelism are no longer effective?
What kind of a society are we now living in?
Relational society
List the five things in society that show the need for relational life-style evangelism
- America has moved to dealing with issues relationally
- The impact of the high-tech revolution
- The visual nature of our society
- The breakdown of the nuclear family
- The erosion of the Judeo/Christian value structure
Why were 70-90% of all those surveyed now productively serving in their church?
Because of the extended family
What is the extended family?
A relative, business associate or a neighbour
What is the key factor of assimilating people into a congregation?
What style of evangelism is the use of Home Bible Studies?
Non-manipulative dialogue method
True or False:
Today we have an old, mainly unchurched society
True or False:
The Commission is to go and make disciples, not just converts
True or False:
You build churches through revival
True or False:
The Biblical method of evangelism is Manipulative Monologue
True or False:
Crusades and mass evangelism will not get the job done
True or False:
Today people want the warmth of relationships
What is the definition of “method?”
A way of doing something; a means or manner of procedure
What is the definition of “principle?”
A basic truth, law, or assumption; a truth that is a foundation for other truths
List the four testimonies to prove that “Oikos Evangelism” is the key to NT evangelism
- Authorities
- Scripture
- Statistics
- Experience
What is the definition of “oikos?”
House, household, home
List the three universal units of society
- Common kinship
- Common community
- Common interest
What did the NT church do daily with one accord?
Breaking bread from house to house
List the five things that “Oikos Evangelism” can entail
- Family assembly
- Community involvement
- Home bible studies
- Home sharing
- Cell ministry
Define “home sharing”
Saints open their homes once a month to have new converts in their home for fellowship
True or False:
Methods never change or vary
True or False:
Principles change
True or False:
There is a great gulf between the Christian and non-Christian
What does ethics require?
Within the ethics of leadership, we must keep in mind that all liberty must be balanced with what?
What kind of leaders can God use?
- Who will not become puffed up
- Who will not become proud
- Who will not become bitter
- Who will be subject to authority and one another
- Who will be consistent
- Who will shun intolerance
- Who will wait to be honoured
What should our relationship as a leader be to the world? List at least six points
- A good report without
- Hospitable
- Blameless
- Have genuine love
- Not slothful in business
- Lead a peaceable life in all godliness and honesty
What should our relationship as a leader be to our brother or sister?
- In kindness
- In cooperation
- In esteem
- In communications
What is the definition of gossip?
Telling about a situation to someone who is neither a part of the problem or the solution
According to 1 Corinthians 9:19 what kind of attitude should a leader have?
A servant attitude
True or False:
The fruit of the Spirit is the character of God
True or False:
Our spirit is basically our attitude
True or False:
Mercy means withholding of judgment
List the four “F’s” of discouragement
- Fatigue
- Frustration
- Failure
- Fear
List the principles behind each of the above “F’s”
a. When you are physically low, you cannot be emotionally high
b. Don’t get caught in trivia traps
c. There is no failure except in no longer trying
d. The only thing to fear is fear itself
List the four “R’s” of the cure for discouragement
- Rest your body
- Reorganise your life
- Remember the Lord
- Resist discouragement
What are the four great energisers?
- Prayer
- Play
- Exercise
- Diversion
List in order of importance the three priorities in life
- One’s personal walk with God
- One’s relationship to his/her family
- One’s personal self
What are the three things to remember when discouraged?
- God’s goodness in the past
- God’s closeness in the present
- God’s power for the future
List the two things you must do to fight discouragement
- Talk to yourself
2. Talk to God
True or False:
You determine a mans greatness by how he overcomes discouragement
True or False:
Establishing goals is not necessary to overcome discouragement
True or False:
The man who fails is the man who stops trying
What is the formula for motivating people?
Purpose + Dignity + Confidence + Action = Results
List the three traditional motivational approaches not recommended
- Guilt
- Duty
- Eternal rewards
List the three scriptural approaches for motivation and mobilisation
- Gratitude to Jesus Christ
- Obedience to the Great Commission
- Love for the lost
List the results of the doctrine of the Nicolaitans in order
- Domination of the clergy
- Abdication of the laity
- Ministry by default
List the three things the Church has been described as in the Scriptures
a. Bride
b. Temple
c. Body
List six of the nine service gifts
- Serving
- Mercy
- Teaching
- Administration
- Encouragement
- Prophecy
What does the word “minister” mean in the Greek?
What gives the layman confidence?
What are the four ways to motivate constantly?
- Positive preaching
- Lifting, inspiring worship
- Open acknowledgements
- Ambassadors of evangelism
True or False:
God will give the increase if one person sows and waters
True or False:
Mobilising and motivating the laity gives purpose
True or False:
Not everyone in the church can be a minister
List the five purposes of the Church
a. To minister salvation to the lost
b. To assure people that they will be loved
c. To join believers into the body
d. To heal the hurts
e. To make disciples
Religion is _________________ but Christianity ______________
a. Mans effort to please God
b. Brings God to man
What should ‘real’ Christianity become?
An epidemic
What should a newcomer see first in a building?
Another person
In the concept of the church as a field, the situation demands a super-star for a _________ ?
In the concept of the church as a force, what are people equipped to do?
Of the three stages of church growth, the one that is desired about the others would be ___________ ?
First generation excitement
In the concept of the church as a force, what are the five goals?
- Discipleship training
- Life changing worship
- Fellowship
- Meeting the needs of others
- Resulting in wholeness of each other
True or False:
The Church is an institution
True of False:
The power of the Church is in the Gospel of Jesus Christ
True or False:
The community should come into the Church
True or False:
The Pastor should see that everybody’s needs are met
True or False:
People must be trained to use their gifts and allowed to minister in crisis
What is the main priority in planting a new church?
To reach people
How has Communism grown?
By teaching and training small groups
List in order the four things that caused the start of many New Testament churches
- A man of God who received a burden
- Then a call
- He found hungry people, and
- Miracles accompanied the Word
Give four examples of Jesus’ “school house.”
a. Ships
b. Temple
c. Desert
d. Streets
What three ways did Jesus use to prepare people for a ministry?
a. Teaching
b. Example
c. Involvement
If “small” is not a number, what is it?
An attitude
What three things do winning denominations focus on?
a. Reaching people
b. Sacrifice
c. Unreached people
True or False:
The first things we have to do is care
True or False:
Every person goes through a crisis approximately every two years
True or False:
Jesus’ method to evangelise was to use wealthy, educated men
What is the first requisite for effective evangelism?
Building relationships