Princeton - Hit Parade Group 1 Flashcards
Aberrant (adj)
Deviating from the norm
noun form: aberration
Abscond (v)
To depart clandestinely; to steal off and hide
Alacrity (n)
Eager and enthusiastic willingness
Anomaly (n)
Deviation from the normal order, form, or rule; abnormality
adj form: anomalous
Approbation (n)
An expression of approval or praise
Arduous (adj)
Strenuous, taxing; requiring significant effort
Assuage (v)
To ease or lessen; to appease or pacify
Audacious (adj)
Daring and fearless; recklessly bold
noun form: audacity
Austere (adj)
Without adornment; bare; severely simple; ascetic
noun form: austerity
Axiomatic (adj)
Taken as a given; possession self-evident truth
noun form: axiom
Canonical (adj)
Following or in agreement with accepted, traditional standards
(noun form: canon)
Capricious (adj)
Inclined to change one’s mind impulsively; erratic, unpredictable
Censure (v)
To criticize severely; to officially rebuke
Chicanery (n)
Trickery or subterfuge
Connoisseur (n)
An informed and astute judge in matters of taste; expert
Convoluted (adj)
Complex or complicated
Disabuse (v)
To undeceive; to set right
Discordant (adj)
Conflicting; dissonant or harsh in sound
Disparate (adj)
Fundamentally distant or dissimilar
Effrontery (n)
Extreme boldness; presumptuousness
Eloquent (adj)
Well-spoken, expressive, articulate
noun form: eloquence
Enervate (v)
To weaken; to reduce in vitality
Ennui (n)
Dissatisfaction and restlessness resulting from boredom or apathy
Equivocate (v)
To use ambiguous language with a deceptive intent
adj form: equivocal
Erudite (adj)
Very learned; scholarly
noun form: erudition
Exculpate (v)
Exonerate; to clear of blame
Exigent (adj)
Urgent, pressing; requiring immediate action or attention
Extemporaneous (adj)
Improvised; done without preparation
Filibuster (n)
Intentional obstruction, especially using prolonged speech making to delay legislative action
Fulminate (v)
To loudly attack or denounce
Ingenuous (adj)
Artless; frank and candid; lacking in sophistication
Inured (adj)
Accustomed to accepting something undesirable
Irascible (adj)
Easily angered; prone to temperamental outbursts
Laud (v)
To praise highly
(adj form: laudatory
Lucid (v)
Clear; easily understood
Magnanimity (n)
The quality of being generously noble in mind and heart, especially in forgiving
(adj form: magnanimous)
Martial (adj)
Associated with war and the armed forces
Mundane (adj)
Of the world; typical or concerned with the ordinary
Nascent (adj)
Coming into being; in early developmental stages
Nebulous (adj)
Vague; cloudy; lacking clearly defined form
Neologism (n)
A new word, expression, or usage; the creation or use of new words or senses
Noxious (adj)
Harmful, injurious
Obtuse (adj)
Lacking sharpness of intellect; not clear or precise in thought or expression
Obviate (v)
To anticipate and make unnecessary
Onerous (adj)
Troubling; burdensome
Paean (n)
A song or hymn of praise and thanksgiving
Parody (n)
A humorous imitation intended for ridicule or comic effect, especially in literature and art
Perennial (adj)
Recurrent through the year or many years; happening repeatedly
Perfidy (n)
Intentional breach of faith; treachery
adj form: perfidious
Perfunctory (adj)
Cursory; done without care of interest
Perspicacious (adj)
Acutely perceptive; having keen discernment
noun form: perspicacity
Prattle (v)
To babble meaninglessly; to talk in an empty and idle manner
Precipitate (adj)
Acting with excessive haste of impulse
Precipitate (v)
To cause or happen before anticipated or require
Predilection (n)
A disposition in favor of something; preference
Prescience (n)
Foreknowledge of events; knowing of events prior to their occurring
(adj form: prescient)
Prevaricate (v)
To deliberately avoid the truth; to mislead
Qualms (n)
Misgivings; reservations; causes for hesitancy
Recant (v)
To retract; especially a previously held belief
Refute (v)
To disprove; to successfully argue against
Relegate (v)
To forcibly assign, especially to a lower place or position
Reticent (adj)
Quiet; reserved; reluctant to express thoughts and feelings
Solicitous (adj)
Concerned and attentive; eager
Sordid (adj)
Characterized by filth, grime, or squalor; foul
Sporadic (adj)
Occur I only occasionally, or in scattered instances
Squander (v)
To waste by spending or using irresponsibly
Static (adj)
Not moving, active, or in motion; at rest
Stupefy (v)
To stun, baffle, or amaze
Stymie (v)
To block; to thwart
Synthesis (n)
The combination of parts to make a whole
verb form: synthesize
Torque (n)
A force that causes rotation
Tortuous (adj)
Winding, twisting; excessively complicated
Veracity (n)
Truthfulness, honesty
Virulent (adj)
Extremely harmful or poisonous; bitterly hostile or antagonistic
Voracious (adj)
Having an insatiable appetite for an activity or pursuit; ravenous
Waver (v)
To move to and fro; to sway; to be unsettled in opinion