Primitive reflexes Esyltt Graham Flashcards
What are primitive reflexes- explain to a parent, why do we have them, what happens if they don’t go away.
Primitive Reflexes are the special reflexes that develop in the brain stem before birth.This set of involuntary Primitive Reflexes help the baby with positioning in the womb, birthing, the first breath of life, feeding, urination etc. Most of these primitive reflexes go awaythrough the first year of life as higher functions of the brain and muscle control develop.
If the reflexes remain, they interfere with the neurological organization of the brain which causeslearning, behavioural, social, sensory andhealth problems. These remaining reflexes are unnoticed muscle movements in older children and adults that would not normally be noticed if one did not know what to look for. They cause ongoing issues until they are solved throughexercises.
Cross crawl
its importance and how it comes about.
Signs that you dont have it?
- until the baby learns to crawl, the right hemisphere of the brain controls the r side of body etc. If we fail to mature past this pattern of movement, gait would be awkward and incoordinated.
- as soon as bub begins to crawl it activates the contra-lateral pattern of moevment that is ESSENTIAL dor brain development and NS. This cross-crawl pattern movement advanceds to walking, running and swimming.
- The cross-pattern movement builds the bridge between the : and R hemisphers of the brain, allowing for electrical impulses to pass freely between.
- All systems depend on cross-crawl integration. Language, reading, hand-to-eye coordination & communication.
- Signs could use sharpening: lack of coordination and balance/ difficulty reading, learning disabilities like dyslexia, clumsiness/ saying things backwards.
Retained Moro reflex
whens should it integrate?
Should integrate 2-4 months of age.
Because of changing environment and lack of tummy time, more children are not integrating this reflex.
♣ Easily Distracted / Overreacts / Impulsive and aggressive / Emotional immaturity
♣ Hypersensitive to sensory stimuli like light and sound and touch.
♣ Over sensitivity to motion causing car sickness
♣ Or under sensitivity to sensory stimuli
♣ Withdrawn, timid or shy / ADD / ADHD / Autism Spectrum / Asperger’s
♣ Anger or Emotional Outbursts
♣ Sensory Disorders
♣ Difficulty making friends / Depression / Health Problems /Allergies and Asthma
♣ Poor Balance and Coordination / Poor Digestion and Food Sensitivities