Primitive Reflexes Flashcards
Primitive reflexes
Primitive or archaic reflexes are a set of automatic movements performed by babies when faced with various sensory stimuli to allow them to survive in the first weeks/ months of life.
Primitive reflexes must appear, fulfill their function, and disappear integrating into more complex motor movements
Where do primitive reflexes originate
The brain stem- area responsible for survival
When do primitive reflexes develop
In the womb
What is not required for primitive reflexes
Cortical movement (thought); They are involuntary, unconscious muscle movements in response to a stimulus
Causes of retained primitive reflexes (8)
1) Birth process: breech, prolonged or premature birth, birth using forceps or suction, cesarean section, induced birth
2) Lack of movement during infancy: long periods in car seats, carries, baby walker, rockers
3) Injuries, falls, traumas,
4) Chronic ear infections and head trauma
5) Environmental toxins, complications with vaccinations
6) Dietary imbalances or sensitivies
7) Lack of tummy time/ delayed or skipped creeping or crawling
8) Doing “too much, too fast”
Unintegrated primitive reflexes can cause
- Developmental delays
- ADHD, sensory processing disorder, autism, learning disabilities.
- Issues w coordination, balance, sensory perception and fine motor skills
- Affects sleep, immunity, energy levels, and impulse control
- Affects social, emotional, and intellectual learning
At the ocular level, what are the 5 primitive reflexes that can affect the visual motor development of our patients
- Tonic Labyrinthe Reflex (TLR)
- Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (ATNR)
- Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (STNR)
- Spinal Galant
- Moro Reflex
TLR (full name, when does it emerge, when does it integrate)
Tonic Labyrinthe Reflex
Emerges: in the womb
Integrates: 9months
TLR happens in response to what?
It is the response when the position of the head is changed.
Baby’s first response to gravity.
Head is raised above the spine and the arms and the arms and legs are flexed