Primers Flashcards
SANS Institute
SysAdmin, Audit, Networking, and Security (SANS) Institute is a nonprofit organization established in 1989 to provide valuable information and training to information security professionals. This institute also provides accreditation to organizations. SANS publishes a weekly news digest and original white papers on various topics in Information Security
Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT)
After the Morris worm incident, the U.S. government recognized the need for a public
or private entity to deal with incident coordination, response, and remediation efforts
during Internet security situations. The U.S. government contracted Carnegie Mellon
University to create a Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) in 1988. The
team’s objective was to ensure that appropriate technology and systemsmanagement
practices resisted attacks on networked systems, limited damage, and
ensured continuity of critical services in spite of successful attacks, accidents, or
failures. The team also provided information on industry trends and educated
individuals and partners on security issues.
International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium, Inc. (ISC)2
established in 1989 as a nonprofit corporation to educate and to certify information
security professionals. Certifications offered included the Certified Information
Systems Security Professional (CISSP) certification. In 1990, (ISC)2 created the first
prototype for the Common Body of Knowledge (CBK) criteria. CBK defines global
industry standards and serves as a common framework of terms and principles
within the information security industry.
National Cyber Security Division (NCSD)
a division of the Office of
Cyber Security & Communications. It is within the U.S. Department of
Homeland Security and is one of the U.S.’s main government organizations
responsible for improving the country’s defense against Internet-based attacks.
NCSD combined the Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office, the National
Infrastructure Protection Center, the Federal Computer Incident Response Center,
and the National Communications System into one organization.
recommendations of the DHS Quadrennial Homeland Security
Review report
- Appoint a cybersecurity policy official responsible for coordinating the nation’s
cybersecurity policies and activities. - Prepare a cybersecurity incident response plan and enhance public-private
partnerships. - Build a cybersecurity-based identity management vision and strategy that
addresses privacy and civil liberties interests.
Thomas Merrill and Larry Roberts
launched the Internet by developing the first
WAN in 1965, which eventually led to the development of IP in 1978 and
ultimately to the growth of the Internet.
Netscape Navigator
was the first commercial Web browser and was launched in
Morris Worm
Cyber attacks began with the Morris
Worm in 1988.
With the growth of the threat to information in cyberspace and network systems,
the U.S. government appointed certain agencies to set standards and spread
awareness on the subject.
U.S. Cyberspace Policy review
started 2009 compiled ten critical
recommendations to improve the cybersecurity policy and implementation.
2009 Cyberspace Policy Review
lists ten near-term action item initiatives
that should be undertaken to improve the United States’ cyber posture.
Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) was a project
developed by MIT for the Department of Defense.
The High Technology Crime Investigation Association (HTCIA), a
professional organization that is devoted to digital forensics for investigation
of crimes was set up in 1999.
Network Control Protocol (NCP) is a host-to-host protocol developed by
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is a government
body that ensures best possible practices are being followed during system
implementations for publicly accessible infrastructures such as electric
grids, dams, and even financial institutions.
Collection of individual dots called pixels
Representation of data in a continuous flow
Digitization of signals by using sampling
Representation of data in its discrete form
Series of digital images displayed rapidly at a constant rate
The American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) is
a standard for encoding data. This standard facilitates the transfer of
data from one type of computer to another.
AVI File Format
AVI is a multimedia format introduced by Microsoft and supports
audio and video data as well as audio and video streaming.
Binary Number System
The binary, or base-2, system represents numbers using only two
digits: 0 and 1.
Decimal Number System
The decimal, or base-10, number system uses digits 0 to 9 to
represent a value.
Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC) is an
encoding method used on IBM computers. This technique uses 8-bit
character encoding.
FLV File Format
The FLV or Flash Video format is popularly used for delivering
Adobe Flash-based video files over the Internet.
GIF File Format
The .GIF file format is a type of bitmap image format which supports
8 bits per pixel. .GIF images are compressed using a lossless data
compression technique.
Hexadecimal Number System
The hexadecimal, or base-16, number system uses16 symbols—the
numbers 0 to 9 and capital letters A to F.
JPG File Format
The .JPG file format indicates an image file that has been
compressed using JPEG compression.
MP3 File Format
The .MP3 file format is a patented digital audio encoding format.
.MP3 files support audio data.
MP4 File Format
MP4 is a multimedia format standard and is popular for storing
digital audio and video files, subtitles, and still images. MP4 files are
capable of streaming over the Internet.
Octal Number System
The octal, or base-8, number system uses digits 0 to 7 to represent
a value.
OGG File Format
OGG was created to meet the need for streaming and manipulating
high quality digital multimedia. It can concurrently support data as
diverse as audio, video, text, and metadata.
OGM File Format
OGM was created as an extension of the OGG format, which does
not support video files.
PNG File Format
The .PNG file format is a type of bitmap image format that uses a
lossless data compression technique. .PNG is used for images.
Random Access Memory (RAM) is the primary piece of volatile
memory in computer system. The RAM stores temporary data,
which is over written frequently
TIF File Format
The .TIF file format for storing images is popular among Apple
Macintosh users.
Unicode is an encoding scheme that covers characters from the
written languages used by most countries.
WAV File Format
The .WAV file format is the standard file format that is used for the
system sounds in computers. The .WAV format is popular because it
facilitates the free exchange of audio files across various operating
systems for processing purposes.
WMA File Format
Windows Media Audio (WMA) files can be compressed based on
factors like connection speed and bandwidth. The compression of
these files is higher as compared to the .MP3 files.
C:\Documents and Settings or
Stores the user’s application settings,
temporary files, and caches
C:\Program Files
Is a repository of the programs installed
on a system
C:\Recycling Bin or C:\Recycler
Contains the files deleted through the GUI. Technically, files are not deleted; they are moved to this directory. Once deleted from here, they are permanently deleted from the system
C:\System Volume Information
Hosts the system restore information,
which Windows uses as a backup of the
necessary configuration files used on the
last good start
Contains miscellaneous operating
system and application files
Contains core operating system files
Contains files necessary for the
operating system to boot up
C:\Windows\System32\Catroot or
Contains catalog files and signature files
Hosts the registry hives
Contains installed drivers
C:\Windows\ I386
Contains files used for installing, repairing, updating, and rebuilding Windows. SMSS.EXE and NTDLL.DLL are the two files responsible for implementing the NT framework.
In Vista and Windows 7, boot information is stored in a file
called the Boot Configuration Data (BCD) store.
In Windows versions pre-Vista, this file specifies operating
system selection defaults, operating system locations, and
operating system prioritization.
It is a file located in the system partition that allows the option
to boot into another operating system.
It is a hardware detection program that is located on the root of
the system partition. is invoked by the NT loader
(NTLDR) and returns the information it gathers to NTLDR when
finished, so that it can then be passed on to the Windows
The New Technology loader is the boot loader for all Windows
NT based operating system.
This file is the Windows kernel