primer parcial Flashcards
High Volume, Low mix production lines usually require a higher investment
Natural Behavior that can be observes when the cycle time goes down (is reduced) as time passes by and machines or people repeat the process and become faster and more efficient
Production Ramp Up
Manufacturing Strategy where there is zero investment prior to the purchase order from the customer
Engireering to order
Cycle time is measured from the very beginning of a process operation of a unit to the end of the next unit cycle time
Production rate van be defined as the inverse of the cycle time
Manufacturing strategy where the supplier has to buy the materials and produce up to a sub-assembly level.
Configure to order
This concept measures the quantity of a product that comes out of a process in a certain period of time (units/time)
Production Rate
it is the process that sets the total production capacity by having the longest cycle time
Manufacturing strategy where inventory must be available at the point of sale otherwise, the sale can be lost.
Made to stock
Cycle time is measured from the very beginning of a process operation of a unit to the very beginning of a process operation of a unit to the very beginning of the next unit cycle time.
Mention the 4 manufacturing strategies
Explain the ETO manufacture strategy
El proveedor del servicio o producto no hace ninguna inversion, se espera a tenerr un cliente y este es el ecargado de pagar, ejemplo casa.
Explain the BTO manufacture strategy
El proveedor del servicio o producto hace una pequeña inverison en materia prima, una cez que recibe ppedido, termina el producto o servicio. ejemplo restaurante
Explain the CTO manufacture strategy
El proveedor tiene listos subensambles son parte del producto casi terminad, esperando a que el cliente, termine su configuracion en la compra, ejemplo dell, Mcdonalds
Explain the MTS manufacture strategy
El proveedor realiza toda la inversiony deja el producto terminado listo para el consumidor final. Ejemplo, Coca cola, Gansito
Define logistics
Arte y ciencia de producir, distribuir y vender un producto en momento adecuad, tiempo adecuado y cantidad adecuada
Define Supply Management
arte y ciencia quye involucra todo el proceso desde la materia prima hasta el producto terminado en manos del consumidor final y busca aumentar su valor.
What is a drop shipment
Es cuando se realiza una venta y el proveedor le manda el producto al cliente sin pasar por el vendedor el proveedor le manda la factura al vendedor, y el vendedor le factura al cliente.
Mention at least 5 IT (Information Technology) tools that companies have used to manage the supply chain.