Primary visual cortex: Binocular inputs Flashcards
what does the left field of the projection of the binocular visual field map
onto nasal retina of left eye
temporal retina of right eye
what does the right field of the projection of the binocular visual field map
to the nasal retina of right eye
temporal retina of left eye
what is the result of, nasal axons crossing at the chiasm and temporal axons not crossing at the chiasm
left hemi-field, right side of brain
right hemi-field, left side of brain
in the right LGN, which layers of the LGN do the nasal (crossed) retinal axons terminate
layers: 1, 4 & 6
in the right LGN, which layers of the LGN do the temporal (ipsilateral) retinal axons terminate
layers: 2, 3 & 5
what is the significance of nasal and temporal retinal axons terminating at a specific layer in the right LGN
one point in the binocular region of the left hemi-field projects to cells in each layer in the form of a vertical column
what does each layer (6) of the LGN contain maps of
it own hemi-field map of one eye in register with those in the layers above & below and of the opposite side of the visual field
where does the retinal input come from for layer 1 of the LGN
nasal of the contralateral eye
where does the retinal input come from for layer 2 of the LGN
temporal of the ipsilateral eye
where does the retinal input come from for layer 3 of the LGN
temporal of the ipsilateral eye
where does the retinal input come from for layer 4 of the LGN
nasal of the contralateral eye
where does the retinal input come from for layer 5 of the LGN
nasal of the ipsilateral eye
where does the retinal input come from for layer 6 of the LGN
nasal of the contralateral eye
what do the cells on the dotted vertical, line of binocular visual projection represent
the same position in space in the opposite hemi-field in both eyes
from where to where does the left and right eye maps of the opposite hemi-field go
fovea to macula to periphery, mapped across the nasal and temporal retina of each eye
where do the periphery parts of the left and right eye maps of the opposite hemi-field look
way into the periphery
what are all the lines which sit on the line of projection related to, on the right and left maps of the opposite hemi-field
related to the fovea (f)
what do all the cells of the lines which sit on the line of projection related to f on the right and left maps of the opposite hemi-field look at
the same region of space within the fovea of left and right eyes as we move across to M of the map of column of cells which form a binocular projection which look at the macula region of visual space in the left side, and if move across there is another column for more peripheral part of visual field
what is right next to M
another column of cells receiving binocular inputs as its within map of the visual field, each of these layers with maps stacked on top of one another, make connections with layer 4C of the primary visual cortex, but they now sit side by side
where does the segregation of left and right eye inputs continue in
the LGN pathway to the v1 cortex
what do the LGN neurons receiving input from each eye send inputs to area v1 form
alternating ‘ocular dominance’ bands in layer 4C, the same point is side by side, adjoining points in space are next door
instead of the binocular line of projection doesn’t sit on top of one another like in the LGN, how are they in layer 4C
sit side by side (horizontal) which leads to ocular dominance bands
so what are the left and right inputs from the same points in space onto
are onto adjoining cells in layer 4C of area v1 cortex