primary dentition Flashcards
- primary teeth FORM.. when?
- By when are all primary teeth erupted?
- by when are all ROOTS formed?
- primary teeth form bt 4-6 months in UTERO
- all primary teeth are erupted by age 2/3 yrs
- all primary roots are completely formed by age 3
- at what age do primary teeth start to erupt?
- bt — to — is only primary dentition
- bt — yrs old and —– yrs old is mixed dentition
- at —- yrs + is all adult/ permanent dentition
- primary teeth begin to erupt at 6mo. of age
- bt 6 mo and 6 yrs old only primary dentition is present
- bt 6 yrs and 12 yrs of age MIXED dentition is present
- after 12yrs of age, all primary teeth are exfoliated and only permanent dentition remains
- at what age do primary crowns complete formation?
- at what age do the roots complete formation?
- about how much of the root is completed upon eruption?
- by 6 months of age, primary crowns are completely formed – they take about 10-12 months to develop from start to finish
- the roots are completed by age 1.5-3 yrs old after emergence
- roots are about 2/3 of the way completed when they erupt and it take another 2.5-3 yrs for the formation of the last third of the tooth
what is the order of emergence of primary teeth
the primary teeth emerge staring at 6 mos of age until 2yrs old in the following order:
- mandibular central incisors
- other incisors
- first molars
- canines
- second molars
what is the order of emergence of secondary, permanent teeth
- MAND central incisors and first molars
- other incisors
- MAND canines
- premolars
- MAX canines
- 2nd molars
- 3rd molars
- what adult teeth will possilby be present at age 8?
2. at the age of 11, what permenant teeth could be present?
- by the age of 8, the MAND central incisors, the first molars, and other incisors could be present
- by the age of 11, the MAND incisors, first molars, other incisors, MAND canines, and premolars could all be present
List the order of secondary eruption and the years in which the teeth erupt
- 6 yrs old: MAND cnetral incisors and 1st molars
- 7-9 yrs : other incisors
- 9-10 yrs old: MAND canines
-10-12 yrs old: premolars
-12 yrs old: 1) MAX canines 2) 2nd molars
16 yrs-20s.. 3rd molars
as a general developmental trend, does the same type of tooth emerge first in the MAX or MAND arch? ( a trend and not always true..)
generally speaking, the trend is for MANDIBULAR teeth of the same type to emerge bf the MAX arch
development of permanent teeth:
- During what age range do the crowns develop?
- when are the crowns Completely developed
- when is root formation completed
- adult crowns develop from birth to 16yrs of age
- crowns complete development 3-4 yrs PRIOR to eruption
- adult roots complete formation about 3 years AFTER eruption
what is the rule of 3?
There is a difference of 3 years bt the completion of the crown, 3 more years for the eruption of crown, then 3 more years for completion of root formation
ex// the mandibular first molar (erupts at age 6…. work aound that)
- the crown completes 3 yrs bf eruption- at 3 yrs of age (since complete at 3 yrs.. crown begins formation at birth )
- the crown completes 3 yrs after crown eruption at 6 yrs of age
- the roots complete formation at 3 years after crown eruption- at 9 yrs of age
what is one of the first things to do when examing a cast of a child of unknown age?
pure primary dentition has 20 teeth, 10 per arch. how many teeth are present on the cast?
Aside for examining ID characteristics of primary molars (different from adult molars), the incisors and canines are mostly just smaller versions of adult dentition) - shorter and smaller overall . primary roots also flare much more widely than do adult teeth
List some characteristics of primary teeth that differ from permanent dentition
Primary teeth are:
- whiter
- have a more pronounced (narrowed) CEJ constriction (crown bulges more)
- smaller than secondary tooth of same name
- no mamelons on incisors (permanent dentition should have obvious mamelons)
- primary teeth have 2:1 root to crown ratios – so roots longer to crown as compared to adult ratio
- lots of sings of wear on primary due to irregularities of a growing and changing jaw-scape
- ** roots bend labially** (unlike adult where they bend distally)
primary roots bend ——– (like/unlike) the roots in adult dentition that bend ——-
primary roots bend LABIALLY UNLIKE the roots of adult dentition that bend DISTALLY
name some characteristics of primary molars that differ from adult dentition
- very narrowed at CEJ (rubber band profile and bulging crown)
- shallow occlusal surface– fewer developmental grooves
- very small root trunks and WIDE furcations (for incoming permanent teeth)
- slender roots
Fill in the blank:
All primary incisors are longer inciso-cervically than m-d EXCEPT ——
All primary incisors are longer inciso-cervically than m-d EXCEPT the MAX central incisor which is wider mesio-distally.
asides, the other characteristics are similar to permanent incisors
List the traits of primary incisors:
- primary incisors have shallow surfaces w minimal depressions
- primary incisors possess prominent cingula (the non-cusp bulge on the anterior teeth, lingual surface
- lingual anatomy less pronounced compared to permanent incisors
- just like adult dentition, the CEJ curve is more pronounced on the mesial side
- ** UNLIKE adult dentition, all roots bend FACIALLY in the apical third (adult dentition , roots bend distally in apical third)
- maxillary incisor roots may bend lingually in the Cervical half of root
whcih primary incisor has the most prominent marginal ridges?
the MAX central incisors have the most prominent marginal ridges
primary canines: list characteristics
- primary canines are similar to adult canines
- MAX canines are about as wide as long (symmetrical)
- MAND canines are longer than wide and are skinny (and skinnier than the MAX canine)
-roots taper to a Blunt apex - MAX canines with more prominent ridges than MAND primary canines
- thick crown at cervical 3rd.
-Pronounced “S” curve on MAX canine - as with adult dentition, primary cusp tips:
MAX canine cusp tips = labial to the root axis
MAND canine cusp tips = lingual to root axis
-apical root tips bend labially (UNLIKE adult which bend distally) - primary MAX canine = wider m-d than f-l
-primary MAND canine = diamond outline from incisal - primary MAND cingula may be offset to the DISTAL
What is unique about the primary MAX CANINE?
the unique feature of the primary MAX canine is its CONTACT areas – the mesial contact os more Cervical than the distal due to the longer mesial cusp ridge.
the MAX CANINE is the ONLY primary tooth where the mesial contact is more cervical than the distal contact
the ——- ———– is the only primary tooth that has a mesial contact more cervical than its distal contact.
What permanent tooth shares this same UNIQUE characteristic (is unique to the adult dentition)?
- the MAX CANINE is the only PRIMARY tooth that has a mesial contact more cervical than its distal contact
- the 1st MAND premolar (premolar = permanent) is the only PERMANENT tooth with the mesial contact more cervical than the distal contact.
know the exceptions!
the —- —– is the only primary tooth that has a mesial cusp ridge longer than the distal cusp ridge.
What permanent tooth shares this same UNIQUE characteristic (is unique to the adult dentition)?
- the primary MAX CANINE has a longer mesial cusp ridge than the distal.
- the MAX 1st premolar (adult) has the same characteristic of a longer mesial cusp ridge than distal (unique to adult dentition).
All other teeth (primary and secondary) outside of these 2 exceptions have mesial cusp ridges SHORTER than distal cusp ridges.
what is different about the root bend in primary vs secondary teeth?
the roots of primary teeth bend LABIALLY in the apical third, whereas in adult dentition the apical third of roots bends DISTALLY
List the traits of MOLARS
- max molars have 3 roots
- MAX molars wider buccal-lingually that m-d
- both MAND and MAX molars with prominient Buccal bulge (mesiobuccal)
- MAND molars all with 2 roots
- MAND molars wider m-d than f-l
- MAX 2nd molars have 4 cusps + cusp carabelli possible (just like w permanent)
- MAND 3nd molars have 5 cusps (just like permanent- EXCEPT primary has large DB cusp whereas the distal cusp is smallest on permanent that has MB cusp largest)
- MAND 2nd molar has a groove that extends from the mesial marginal ridge down 1/3 of the crown mesial surface
How many roots do the primary MAX molars have?
the primary MAX molars have 3 roots:
mesiobuccal, distobuccal, and palatal
How many roots do the primary MAND molars have?
the primary MAND molars have: 2 roots
mesial and distal
in the primary MAND 2nd molar, which cusp is the widest?
- how does this compare to the widest cusp of the permanent MAND 1st molar?
the DISTO-BUCCAL cusp is widest on the primary MAND 2nd molar\whereas on adult dentition, the permanent MAND 1st molar has the widest cusp onthe MESIOBUCCAL / and the distal cusp is the smallest.
what other tooth does the primary first molar resemble?
NONE! the primary first molar is unique in shape and resembles no other tooth in the adult dentition.
Conversely, the primary 2nd molar resembles the incoming permanent 1st molar (that will erupt beside the primary 2nd) .. think transition..
how many cusps does the primary MAX premolar have? which 2 are the most prominent?
- what other features help w ID?
- the primary MAX premolar has 4 cusps.. like the permanent, the DL may be missing.
the most prominent are the MB and the ML while the DB and DL are much smaller
-wider F-L than M-D, also wider than tall o-c - the occlusal table may have an “H” pattern
How may cusps does the primary MAND 1st molar have? Describe.
- and what are some other ID features?
- the primary MAND first molar has 4 cusps (MB, ML, DB, DL). The MB is the most prominent and the ML has the sharpest cusp (like primary MAX 1st molar).
- visible lingual tilt
- wide mesial root
- crown is wider m-d than tall o-c
- has a MESIAL TRANSVERSE RIDGE and prominent mesial marginal ridge
Describe some attributes of the pulp in primary teeth and compare to adult
- Pulp is relatively larger to tooth than secondary
- molar pulp chambers are mostly located in the crown (due to short trunk)
- pulp horns are narrow and located beneath cusps
- pulp is large and therefore easy to expose during preparation
by what age are the roots completely formed?
by 3 years of ages, roots are completely formed
how developed are roots upon crown eruption, and when do they complete formation?
roots are about 2/3 developed upon crown eruption, —all roots are competley ormed bt age 3.
what is a succedaneous tooth?
a succedaneoius tooth is a permanent tooth that REPLACES a tooth in the primary dentition
what teeth are not succedaneous
the adult molars are not succedaneous bc they do not replace any primary dentition (adult molars erupt further in the arch where no primary teeth previously existed
are there mamelons on primary teeth?
No. primary teeth do not have mamelons. mamelons are visible on adult incisors
what is perikymata and does it pertain toprimary teeth
perykymata are the horizontal wave-like lines on ddeveloping ADULT dentition. perikymata is NOT present on primary teeth and therefore does not pertain to primary teeth
True or False, MAND teeth GENERALLY erupt before the MAXillary counterpart?
TRUE! the MAND teeth generally erupt bf the maxillary counterpart (in both primary and adult dentition)
in the anterior teeth of theprimary dentition, how do the roots bend in the apical third?
is this the same or different as permenent dentition?
in anterior teeth of primary dentition, the roots bent LABIALLY in the apical third - this is different than permanent dentition where roots are typically bent distally or straight w/ no bend
All primary dentition is longer inciso-cervically than M-D, all except:
All primary dentition is longer inciso-cervically than M- D EXCEPT the MAX central incisor wic is wider M-D than I-C root-crown ratio is apprx 2
T/F second molars of priamry dentition is smller than the 1st primary molars
False. The second molars of primary dentition are LArger than the 1st molars
the primary MAX canine has a mesial cusp bridge that is shorter than the distal cusp arm, and is thereofre in accordance with the general rule
how does this impact contact?
FALSE. THe MAX canine has a mesial cusp arm that is longer than the distal (contrary to the general trend) – only one other tooth w this same trait in alll of dentition: the PERManent, 2nd MAX premolar
contact is thremore more cervical on the mesial side = abnormal!
in primary denttion, which cusp of the 2nd MAND molar is the largest
in primary dentition, the DB cusp of the MAND 1st molar is the largetst == different than seconary dentition where the ML cusp is the largest…
is it possible for a primary 2nd MAX molar to have an oblique ridge or cusp of carabelli?
YES@ the priamry 2nd molars look like the incoming secondary molars .. appies to the MANd and MAX arches. so, the MAX 2nd primary molar could have a 5th cusp of carabello or the presence of an oblqiequ ridge
what priamry tooth has an “H” shaped occlusal patternm?
the MAX 1st molar may have an :H: shaped occlusal pattern
what is the largest cusp on the primary MAX 1st molar?
the MB cusp has a prominent MB cervical buldge and is the largest and longest cusp of the primary MAX 1st molar