Primary circuit Flashcards
What are the main components of the primary circuit?
The RPV and coolant pipes
Which elements are in stainless steel and why?
Fe - steel
C - strength
Cr - stainless - forms protective oxide layer
Ni - austenite former
Which elements stabilise ferrite/austenite?
Cr - BCC so stabilises alpha ferrite
C - interstitial element - stabilises gamma austenite
Ni - FCC - gamma austenite stabiliser
Mn - cubic - gamma austenite stabiliser
When are nickel alloys used for the primary circuit?
In steam generators since they are not susceptible to chloride cracking/pitting due to carbide network - inter granular preffered to intragranular.
What is the nature of a passive oxide film?
Very thin, adherent, non-porous
Oxide formed Cr2O3 at metal oxide interface - oxidation resistant
Mixed layer of Cr2O3 and Fe2O3 more porous
What is sensitisation?
Weld decay of stainless steels - most critical temperature 650-700 C - C diffuses to lattice defects eg gb or phase boundary where there is little coherency
Tends to form carbides of M23C6 where M is Fe or Cr
How can sensitisation be mitigated?
Redissolve carbides
Reduce the carbon level
Use steels with high carbon and cr affinity elements - Ti Nb V and Ta
How does irradiation sensitisation differ?
Cr depletion by segregation of elements - as neutron fluency increases depletion increases
How can we repair welds in service?
Using freezing seals - apply a jacket to the pipe either side of region, fill with CO2 or liquid nitrogen, this freezes water in region creating ice plug, region cut out and repaired
What are the requirements for SCC?
Material, tensile stress, environment
Where can spent fuel be stored?
Fuel dry store containers - usually near sea so Cl induced SCC is likely
What are the mechanics for SCC?
Intergranular or transgranular
What is pitting?
Local break down of the passive layer allows metal to come into contact with corrosive environment, metal dissolution and production of H+, attracting negative Cl-, bulk PH drop to 2-3
Cl- ions prevent the repassivation of the oxide film lead to surface pitting which lead to stress corrosion cracking
What are the stages of the slip dissolution model?
1 Slip plane intersects crack tip
2 Strain causes oxide film rupture and exposes bare metal
3 Anodic dissolution of crack tip extends the crack
4 Repassivation of the crack tip oxide occurs
5 Strain builds up at crack tip allowing more slip mechanism repeats
What are the conditions for the slip dissolution model?
Assumes that crack growth occurs by oxide film rupture at the crack tip