Primary and Secondary data Flashcards
What is primary data?
Primary data means original data that has been collected by those who witnessed an event first-hand or who collected the data themselves for a specific purpose
What may primary data present?
It may present original thinking or new information.
Give Examples of primary data.
Examples of primary data include results from a questionnaire or experiment, which can be qualitative or quantitative.
Give an example of a study that collected primary data.
For example Gottesman and Shields collected primary data in their twin study of schizophrenia by using personality testing, testing to examine thought disorders and tape recordings of 30 minute samples of verbal behaviour gathered by semi-structured interviews.
How many primary data be used?
Data can be sets of statistics that you then input into a computer programme to construct frequency distributions or other descriptive statistics.
What is a strength of primary data in terms of reliability.
n general primary data is a reliable source because the researcher can replicate the procedures to check results, as they know the procedures and how the data was collected and analysed.
What is a strength of primary data in terms of how old the data is.
Primary data will also be more up-to-date. Data gathered years previously is less likely to provide reliable answers to the questions your data needs to address.
What is a strength of primary data in terms of research methods.
Since primary data is taken directly from the population in question, it is one of the best types of data to collect for research methods like the survey.
What is a weakness of primary data in terms of subjectivity.
Researchers may be subjective in what kinds of data they look for, in particular data that ‘fits’ the hypothesis they are trying to test.
What is a weakness of primary data in terms of efficiency.
The data has to be gathered from scratch, which needs a large population to make it generalisable which can usually make gathering primary data time consuming and costly. Secondary data requires no effort to gather.
What is secondary data?
Secondary data are a second hand analysis of pre-existing (primary data).
How may secondary data be used?
t may be analysed in a different way or used to answer a different question from that addressed in the original research.
When does primary data become secondary data?
After statistical operations have been performed on primary data, the results become known as secondary data.
When may secondary data be used before primary data?
In some cases, secondary data is gathered before primary data in order to find out what is already known about a subject before embarking on the new investigation.
Where can secondary data be found?
The internet or in books.
What does secondary data analysis use?
Secondary data analysis uses data that was collected by someone else, in order to further a study that psychologists are interested in completing
Give an example of a study that gathered secondary data.
In the Gottesman and Shields twin study secondary data were collected by accessing patient records from Maudsley and Bethlem Royal Joint Hospital.
What is a strength of secondary data in terms of efficiency?
It saves time and expense that would otherwise be spent collecting data.
What is a strength of secondary data in terms of the volume of data?
It can provide a larger database (e.g. a university library) than an individual researcher could hope to collect.
What is a strength of secondary data in terms of availability.
In some cases, for example historical documents, secondary data is often the only resource and thus the only way to examine large-scale trends of the past.
What is a weakness of secondary data in terms of reliability.
The researcher cannot personally check that data so its reliability may be questioned.
What is a weakness of secondary data in terms of lack of knowledge.
The researcher may have no knowledge of how the data was collected. Therefore, they do not know anything about its accuracy or its bounds of error.
What is a weakness of secondary data in terms of the age of the data.
The data may be out-of-date and therefore not suitable for current research.