Pride and Prejudice Flashcards
Scrupulous (adj)
diligent, thorough, attention to detail
Caprice (n)
Sudden, impulsive action
Solace (n)
Comfort in a time of distress or sadness
Deign (v)
Do something one believes to be beneath one’s ability
Circumspection (n)
Wary, unwilling to take risks
Emphatic (adj)
Expressing something forcibly or clearly
Tumult (n)
Loud, confused noise (by large mass of people)
Rapture (n)
Feeling or expression of pleasure or enthusiasm
Surmise (v)
Suppose something is true without evidence to confirm
Ascertain (v)
To find out for sure, make certain of
Disconcerted (v)
Disturbed, unsettled
Countenance (n)
A person’s face or facial expression
Mien (n)
A person’s look or manner, indicating character or mood
Amiable (adj)
Pleasant, friendly
Insupportable (adj)
Unable to be supported or justified, intolerable