Price Mechanism Flashcards
Determinants of Demand for Labour (4)
1 Demand for final product
2 Productivity of Labour
3 Technology
4 Price and availability of sub input
Determinants of Supply for Labour (2)
1 Number of qualified people
2 Non wage component
Reasons for Wage Differentials (3)
1 Labour immobility
2 Non-Monetary factors
3 Imperfect information
Define Utility
Utility refers to the satisfaction(benefit) that consumers get from consuming a good/service
Define Marginal Utility
Marginal Utility is the additional satisfaction that consumers derive from consuming an additional unit of a good
Define Price Mechanism
The use of price signals to allocate scarce resources among competing uses is known as the price mechanism
Define Demand
Demand is the amount of a good or service that consumers are both willing and able to buy at each possible price in a given period of time, c.p
Define Quantity Demanded
Quantity demanded refers to a particular quantity that the consumer is willing and able to buy at a particular price, as reflected by a point on a given demand curve
State the Law of Demand
The law of demand states that in a given time period, the quantity demanded of a product is inversely related to its price, c.p
Define Individual Demand
Individual Demand is the demand of one consumer
Define Market Demand
Market demand is the sum of the individual demand schedules of all consumers in the market
Non Price Determinants of Demand(6)
1 weather/seasonal factors
2 expectations of producers
3 technology
4 price of related goods + population size
5 income of consumers + ease of borrowing
6 government policies
7 number of sellers
Define Normal Goods and Inferior Goods
Normal goods are goods whose demand varies directly with consumer’s income
Inferior goods are goods whose demand varies inversely with consumers’ income
Define substitutes and complements
Substitutes in consumption are goods that can be used in place of one another for the satisfaction of a particular want
Complements in consumption are goods used in conjunction with one another in the satisfaction of a particular want
Define Derived Demand
Derived demand is the demand for a factor of production that results from the demand for a final good
Define Supply
Supply is defined as the amount of a good or service that producers are both willing and able to sell at each possible price in a given period of time, c.p