Preweek Sublethal Cellular Responses Flashcards
Causes of cell injury/cell stress
- food
- inherited/congenital
- physical stimuli (temperature, trauma, radiation)
- chemical stimuli (toxins, medications)
- microorganisms
- time
- altered oxygen delivery (hypoxia)
Pathobiology: process of disease
- Etiology
- Pathogenesis
- Molecular and morphologic changes
- Clinical manifestations (symptoms)
Two ways cells deal in homeostasis to a change
- Cells respond and return to normal
2. Cells adapt to new altered homeostatic state
Cellular responses
- reversible (3 types)
- Irreversible (2 types)
- Reversible:
- resolution and return to normal homeostasis
- Adaptation (hypertrophy, atrophy, hyperplasia; metaplasia)
- Alterations (cellular aging, neoplasia/dysplasia, accumulation of cell constituents) - Irreversible: necrosis or apoptosis
- what is it
- In what cells does it occur (and where can it not occur)?
- Examples (2 specific types of hyperplasia)
- Adaptational, reversible change where number of cells increases, increasing size of tissue/organ
- Cells capable of DNA replication and cell division
- Hormonal hyperplasia (increase in breast tissue; endometrium undergoes hyperplasia in response to estrogen to regenerate after every menstrual cycle)
Compensatory hyperplasia (loss of tissue or increased need for tissue) - e.g. liver resected; blood loss (precursors in blood marrow undergo hyperplasia
Hyperplasia MOA
Stimulation of cell proliferation by growth factors/hormones binding to the cells, resulting in cell division
- increased proliferation of mature cells
- increased production of new cells from stem cells
Issues with hyperplasia
- there is a fine line between physiologic and pathologic hyperplasia
- what may start out as physiologic hyperplasia may become pathologic (could have exact same etiologic agent; sometimes agent occurs more strongly, over longer duration of time)
e. g.: endometrial hyperplasia; ductal hyperplasia of breast; prostate hyperplasia; response to certain viruses - HPV - response to viruses can become pathologic (wart from HPV is stimulus to grow and proliferate)
- some of these pathogenic hyperplasias have an increased risk for development of cancer
- what is it?
- In what cells?
- examples (2 types and examples)
- Adaptational, reversible process, where there is an increase in the size of cells of a tissue, resulting in larger tissue or organ mass
- Could occur in any cells, often co-occurs with hyperplasia, but is the preferred method in cells that can’t undergo cell division (like terminally differentiated cells - skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, nerve, etc.)
- Hormonal hypertrophy: uterus myometrium (smooth muscle) undergoes hypertrophy during pregnancy (to accommodate fetus, and to generate force for delivery)
Compensatory hypertrophy (exercise-induced hypertrophy) - big muscles
Hypertrophy MOA
- explain
- plus example
- An increased synthesis of structural proteins and cellular components in response to growth factors and hormones
e. g. skeletal muscle: - mechanical sensors triggered by increased work load; production of growth factors
Problems with hypertrophy
- cardiac muscle hypertrophy (muscle that needs to work harder because must push harder against a work load); there is a certain point where hypertrophy becomes detrimental to cardiac function. Risk factor for heart attacks, myocardial infarctions, or CHF (congestive heart failure)
- bladder muscle hypertrophy (usually when there’s an obstruction)
- What is it?
- examples (2 types)
- A reversible decrease in size and number of cells in a tissue or organ, resulting in decreased size or mass of the tissue or organ (reversible process)
- Physiological Atrophy: reversal of physiological hypertrophy/hyperplasia (uterus must atrophy after childbirth as it hypertrophied for pregnancy)
Normal embryogenesis and development (during development of fetus, certain structures form which aren’t needed later on in life so they undergo programmed atrophy)
Atrophy MOA
- decreased protein synthesis and increased degradation of proteins
- decrease in cellular constituents and size/number of organelles
Pathologic atrophy (6)
pathologic atrophy:
- Atrophy of disuse (decreased workload - cast on limb, muscles smaller)
- loss of innervation or stimulation of muscle
- inadequate nutrition
- loss of hormonal stimulation
- pressure (wheelchair)
- diminished blood supply
e. g. Alzheimer’s disease (atrophy of brain - smaller gyri, larger sulci)
- what is it? when does it occur?
- In what cells does this occur
- is it reversible
- example (one)
- When one mature cell type changes to become another mature cell type
- due to persistent damage and inflammation; adaptive substitution of cells that are better able to withstand adverse environment - Occurs in epithelial or mesenchymal cells
- It is not completely reversible (once adaptational adaptation has started, cell won’t convert back to what it used to be) after chronic stimulus is gone, metaplastic change may persist.
- Only one physiologic example: squamous metaplasia of the uterine cervix
Metaplasia of uterine cervix
- happens in all girls during puberty, when cervix everts and becomes exposed to vagina:
- delicate columnar epithelium of endocervix is exposed to harsh, acidic environment of the vagina, and inflammation occurs
- undergoes universal metaplastic change to stratified squamous epithelia (tougher, more protective, protects that area of the cervix from damage all the time)
Metaplasia MOA
- reprogramming of epithelial stem cells or undifferentiated mesenchymal cells
- cytokines, growth factors, extracellular matrix components
- alteration of transcription factors that regulate cell differentiation
- not well understood
Pathological Metaplasia
- naming
- 4 examples
- named according to the type of cell it turns into
1. Squamous metaplasia of the bronchus - cigarette smoking (bronchi are usually ciliated pseudo-stratified columnar epithelium)
2. Columnar (Barrett’s) metaplasia in esophagus (stratified squamous epithelium in esophagus becomes columnar) because of chronic acid exposure
3. Intestinal metaplasia of stomach (columnar to columnar)
4. Squamous metaplasia in the bladder (originally transitional)
These are all associated with an increased risk of developing cancer
Intracellular accumulations
- what is it?
- accumulation of what?
Cell constituent change in response to damage
- normal cellular content (water, lipid, protein)
- abnormal substance
- endogenous: abnormal proteins
- exogenous: pigments, minerals
Intracellular accumulation variables
- transient or permanent
- toxic or harmless to cell
- accumulate in cytoplasm or nucleus
- produced by cell or just stored there
Intracellular accumulation MOA
- normal cellular constituent
- abnormal endogenous substance
- abnormal exogenous substance
- Normal cellular constituent:
- increased synthesis or decreased degradation - Abnormal endogenous:
- gene mutation or post-translational modification resulting in abnormal proteins - Abnormal exogenous
- exposure to foreign substance
- cells lack ability to degrade material or transport to another cell
Pathological Intracellular accumulation examples (4)
- list examples,
- Steatosis of liver (lipid accumulation within liver cells. Occurs in response to alcohol. Alcohol causes increased lipid synthesis in the liver cells, and triggers increased transport of lipid to the liver, while impeding it’s ability to send lipid out) - normal cellular constituent
- Gaucher’s Disease (metabolic genetic condition) - normal cellular constituent
- Alzheimer’s Disease - abnormal endogenous substance
- Parkinson’s Disease - abnormal endogenous substance
Abnormal protein accumulations
Normal vs abnormal; what happens (3 things happen when abnormal)
–> example of protein accumulation in Parkinson’s
- normal proteins: translated and folded into proper conformation (chaperone proteins)
- abnormal: failure to fold properly can result in abnormal accumulation of protein within the cell
- -> sometimes this can be repaired (misfolded proteins; increased synthesis of chaperones; repair)
- -> sometimes this activates ubiquitin proteasome degradation pathway (tag unfolded protein with ubiquitin, for degradation by proteasomes)
- -> cell damage and apoptosis (caspases)
e. g. Parkinson’s: Lewy bodies are an accumulation of misfolded proteins in the cytoplasm of neurons (protein is alpha synuclein and ubiquitin; meaning the proteins were tagged for degradation but were not degraded; some people think that some cases of Parkinson’s are due to malfunction of ubiquitin-proteasome pathway)
Example: Amyloid
- what is amyloid? (hetero or homo)
- structure?
- amyloid is a pathologic protein material deposited extracellularly in tissues and organs
- not a homogenous material (can be sub-type depending on most common type of protein)
- Abnormally folded protein that assumes beta-pleated sheet conformation (highly resistant to degradation and proteolysis)
- clinical impact depends on type of protein and where it is deposited (in fat tissue not bad; in heart, bad; alzheimer’s is accumulation of beta amyloid in the brain
Example: Prions
- what is it? where is it deposited?
- shape/folding
- two properties of misfolded prions
- examples
- Abnormally aggregated and protease-resistant form of PrP protein (deposited intracellularly - different from amyloid)
- High proportion of beta-pleated sheets (resistant to degradation)
- Abnormal folding results in PrPSC protein (infectious, self-replicative)
- -> self-replicative: misfolded prion protein will induce normal prion protein to be misfolded shape
- -> infectious: if you put a prion protein from one person in another person, it will induce their prion proteins to become abnormally folded
e. g. Creutzfeld-Jakob disease (CJD), variant CJD, Kuru (common in papa new guinea; cannibalism), bovine spongiform encephalopathy (mad cow disease)
what are the 2 cellular adaptations that are at risk of developing into cancer?
- what is it? where?
- what are it’s features (4)
- what cell alterations is it seen with?
- what may it cause? explain relationship
- cellular alteration - disordered growth
- epithelial cells
Features: - loss of cellular uniformity or maturation
- loss of architecture or orientation
- increased nuclear atypia or pleomorphism
- often increased mitotic rate
- hyperplasia and metaplasia
- may be precursor to development of malignant neoplasia –> severe dysplastic lesions may be called carcinoma in situ
- not cancer because dysplasia doesn’t invade basement membrane or metastasize (while cancer does)
Dysplasia MOA
- explain
- what cells it dysplasia more likely to occur in?
- what genes could be affected
- causes
- dysplasia caused by genetic alterations and mutations
- rapidly dividing cells
- proto-onco genes (normal gene, when mutated causes cancer), tumour suppressor genes
- environmental carginogens, microbiological organisms, radiation, etc.
Metaplasia of the cervix - what could happen?
- squamous metaplasia of cervix increases risk for mutations and may lead to dysplasia or cancer
Clinical Significance of Dysplasia
- Precursor to development of invasive cancer
- not all dysplastic lesions will progress
- not all cancers appear to progress through pre-invasive dysplastic phase - Often asymptomatic
- May be present for a long time before cancer
- Window for screening and potential early intervention
Screening Tests
- examples
- screening tests for cancer ideally would like to identify dysplastic (pre-invasive) lesions while they are still benign
1. cervical dysplasia (papanicolau test - pap test)
2. Adenomatous colonic polyps (colonoscopy)
3. Ductal carcinoma in-situ of breast (mammography and biopsy)
Is dysplasia reversible?
- low grade mild dysplasia can be reversible if cause removed
- high grade dysplasia not reversible (can treat in some manner - excising)
Is dysplasia same thing as benign tumour?
nope. benign tumour doesn’t invade or metastasize (but dysplasia is a pre-cancer. It’s benign because it doesn’t metastasize but it can develop the ability to do so)
- excision of dysplastic area is treatment of choice
- what is it?
- means new growth
- neoplasm is a tumour
- can be benign or malignant (cancer)