Previous HAC Board Questions Flashcards
Trans Oil Temp
Main transmission oil hot caution >117
VSI sensed in main module sump chip detector:
Main Transmission Oil Hot advisory >105
Performance Calcs Req (35 SOP)
At a minimum, all flight events shall brief the following : SE airspeed, dual engine continuous torque, SE contingency power torque, HIGE, HoGE, Fly away torque, and blade stall for anticipated flight regimes.
Simulated EPs on boat (SOP)
While in shipboard environment (TO, Dep, approach, LdG) simulated aircraft emergencies or intentional degradations are prohibited.
Night DLQ currency
Aviation ship (3/90) Air capable free or clear deck (6/90) Air capable RA (2/90) *free deck confers clear deck; air capable confers aviation ship *During requal, night confers Day
Night SAR and Dip currency
Night SAR=2 night auto approach utilizing windline rescue patterns to coupled hover within 60 days
Dip current= 2 night dip to dip to coupled hover in 60 days
Radius of action
Minimum equipment for night flight over water
Minimum time to restart APU
What does no spread light mean? What is required in a head check?
AVCS fail/fault prior to takeoff
Corrective action for cable angle
Land as soon as practicable
External engine fire
Immediate landing ditching
CRM skills
ORM Principle
Control Area
Control Zone
Switch to tower???
? Dunno if this was the question
Minimum distance to contact AATCC
Delta Pattern (LHA LHD)
What is Charlie ?
Charlie Pattern (LHA LHD)
Spots and restrictions on LHD
Where is spot 2 on LHD
Aided vs unaided ops (LHA LHD)
Case 2 recoveries
Helo in front spot restriction (LHA LHD)
Helo aft of landing spot restriction (LHA LHD)
V 22 landing act of you restriction
Waveoff lights on LHD
ASCC? Call sign (xo question)
Who is green crown?
What is Ice Pack?
What is in a level A med kit
Items in sar curtain
Raft bag
What is the Chicago grip?
Weight limitations of quick splice
What is red light?
MK 58 and 25 restrictions
Ops normal calls (SAR)
SAR Distress frequencies
Limitations on two wheel landing (SAR)
CVN case 1/2/3 weather
CVN launch weather mins
Case 3 departure procedure
What does it mean to call the ball?
Where is the ball?
CVN spot restrictions
Can you launch spot 7 with a hellfire?
Precision vs nonprecision spots
Hung dome recovery to carrier
Can you land in front of a jet on cat not in tensions?
Levels of operations (122)
Class of Facilities
Vertrep lines
Jerseys (safety, medical, ord, LSE)
Alert conditions (122)
SAR requirements for single helo ops (122)
Lighting degradations aided/unaided (122)
Hung ordnance approach (122)
Flight time (cnaf)
Closed airfield vs closed Tower
PAC transfer at night
Operational necessity
A mission associated with war or peacetime operations in which the consequences of an action justify accepting risk of loss of aircraft and crew.
Who is the first flag in 7th fleet?
What rank is 7th fleet??
Composite warfare ( AA vs AB )
PIC responsibilities prior to signing flight plan?
Minimum fuel planning requirements
Weather approach mins
Most critical crm skill
Landing at other than airfield
Situational awareness vs situational understanding (CO)
Daily inspection
Turn around inspection
How many people are required to crack the tail?
What initiates tail rotor indexing?
EOC codes
ATAF (maintenance?)
5 things on A sheet
What does in process mean on maf?
BIT NORDS (maintenance?)
Exceedances (maintenance)
Hung droop stop
Different phases
30 day no fly
TD (tech directive)
CCX rules for inspections
Switches for pylon Flight light
Can you do a daily turn around in hanger of ship?
Can you do a daily on ccx?
How to clear faults and fails on MSN system
Functions of HMU
TQ limits
Inputs to stab
Stab Check prestart check
External engine fire
Immediate landing ditching
Pump valve fail
Backup hyd pump limits
Night currency
Radius of action
Crew rest
CRM skills (strongest and weakest)
ORM principles
Sar currency
Lost ics hand signals
DD versus via the hoist
Sar jumps sea state limitation
Sar curtain
Mk 25 vs 58
Sar duty recall time
Overland/primary rescue method
Define flight time
Land immediately / possible / practicable
Paz embarkation ashore and at sea
When is filing a flight plan required?
What are you signing for when you sign a flight plan?
Weather brief requirements
Weather brief sources
Weather alternate requirement
Weather considerations
Close flight plan at non military field
When do you waveoff on PAR?
Definition of the runway environment
Jettison fuel
Requirements for aircraft commander
Levels and classes of ships (122)
Tie down types
Lost comms to ship
HIFR at night requirements
HIFR hose and personnel
alert conditions (122)
Vertrep lines (t line vs dashed line)
Altitude of ELVA
Smoke light approach
Offset approach
Lighting for different seats
Comms coming into airspace (LHA/LHD)
What does Charlie mean
Charlie spot 4 at night
Night restrictions (LHA)
Crows foot (where’s the nose )
Part pickup LHD person?
Cases (CVN)
Jersey colors (CVN-LSE, PC)
Part pickup person? Jersey colors? (CVN)
Keyhole diagram
Red light
Daily requirements / how long / how many people
Turn around /how long/ how many people
A sheet
Who signs SFF
In process maf
PMC (S vs M)
EOC / where is it located / examples
Different aircraft inspections
Divisions in maintenance / where is QA
CDI vs CDQAR…who do they work for?
Hit brakes hand signal and procedure
Hung droop stops / hand signal
Fuel sample
Bad fuel sample
1.0 engines… which engine is better by looking at ADB
Cross country servicing
Describe cyclic to rotor head
3 major components of AFCS
Engine cool down time (why do we have it…xo)
How to maintain obstacle clearance with double T line?
Spot 2 San Antonio class LPD
Is sgsi a night lighting system?
Can you do night ops without rhib?
Explain polar plots
What do you do if you hear prep Charlie?
Who can declare operational necessity?
Takeoff mins
Walk through balboa fam
Who can sign block 10 on a sheet?
Items in fuel packet
Can pilots or AW service aircraft?
Nic in tire…who do you call?
How many maintenance programs are there? Name some?
Single gen fail in coupled hover
What is Bravo flag? Romeo? Foxtrot?
Control area vs zone
3 main types of sub transfers
Minimum vertrep retro load
Who can taxi a helo?
PIC responsibilities
When are pos lights requires? Anti collision lights?
Definition of sweep width
What does ATO do?
V3 division
Who is combat cargo?
Can you do maintenance during a hot seat without needing a new daily/TA?
What PC would you take with you on out and in?
Corrosion maf…how long to correct
Can you do a d phase at sea?