Prevention/Treatment of Field Injuries Flashcards
What are the two types of spiders in the area?
Black WIdows + Brown Recluse
What are some of the insects in the area?
What are the two diseases form ticks?
Lyme disease
Rocky Mt spotted fever
What are the 6 types of heat injuries?
Sunburn Heat rash Fungus infection Heat cramps Heat exhaustion Heat stroke
What are heat cramps caused by? signs and the treatment?
- Caused by the lack of electrolytes (salt) in the system
- muscle cramps and profuse sweating and faintness
- small sips of water, put in cool or shaded area, massage cramps
What is heat exhaustion caused by? signs and treatment?
-caused by pooling of blood in capillaries close to the surface of skin
-rapid shallow breathing
blurred vision
pale, clammy skin
profuse sweating
-remove excess clothing
place in a cool, shaded area
fan or sprinkle with water to keep cool
give victims small sips of water
treat victim for shock
What is heat stroke caused by? signs and treatment?
-malfunction of the body’s heat regulatory mechanism
-shortness of breath
weakness, headache, dizziness
loss of apetite, nausea
dilated pupils
lack of sweating
-send for medical assistance
move to a cool, shaded area
loosen clothing
apply water/ice to victims entire body
don’t force to drink
ensure victim continues to breath
lower the body temp as quickly as