Prevention of Stored Product Pests Flashcards
Indian Meal Moths, Characteristics.
(a) Less common than beetles, though able to readily infest all farinaceous products with larvae.
(b) The female moth lays between 100 and 300 eggs and requires 6 to 8 weeks to go from egg to adult stage.
(c) Moth larvae spin silk-webbing.
(d) A grayish band across the upper 1/3 of their reddish-bronze wings.
Flour “Tribolium” Beetle characteristics
(a) Confused and Red Flour beetle are similar in appearance.
(b) Shiny, flattened, reddish brown.
(c) Head and upper parts of thorax are densely covered with minute pitting.
(d) Wing covers are ridged lengthwise.
(e) Life cycle/reproduction.
1) Female lays an average of 440 eggs in her lifetime.
2) Eggs are covered with a sticky secretion and adhere to
the sides of sacks and boxes.
What is medically important about the Dermestid Beetles (Khapra Beetle)
1) Hairs on outside of the larvae can cause intestinal trauma, eye irritation, dermatitis, and allergic reaction
2) Quarantinable insect
3) If found dead or alive whole lot must be condemned.
Dermestid Beetles (Khapra Beetle) Characteristics
-Reddish brown with pale markings on the wing covers.
-Resistant to starvation
-Can live for several years without food
What is the most commonly found stored product pest aboard ship?
Saw-toothed grain beetle.
What is the most destructive store product pest.
Rice Weevil
Rice Weevil characteristics
Can be recognized by the presence of two yellowish or reddish spots on the top of each front wing.
What are the foods with high infestation potential?
High Starch foods such as:
-Grits -Cornmeal.
-Farina. -Dry mix.
-Macaroni. -Barley.
-Cookie and cake mix. -Flour.
-Dry beans and peas. - Ready-to-eat cereal.
If the dry stores are infested with 1 living or dead dermestid larva, or 3 flour beetle adults or larvae per pound, or 7 insects (adult or larvae) of any other kind per pound…..
Dispose of the product
What can you do to kill the insects?
If a small quantity of dry stores are found to be lightly infested with less than 7 beetles per pound.
(other than dermestid species and flour beetles)
-Removed immediately and placed in a freezer space for at least 3 days
-Two weeks at 0 degrees F is required to kill all stages of the insects.
What actions do you take if insects are found during a pier side inspection
-separate infested supplies and notify the Supply Officer.
-Recommend items not be allowed on board.