Preventing Disease Transmission H/O Flashcards
Who provides recommendations to the hospital’s infection control department when new policies are developed?
Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
How often are reports published by the CDC?
Outline what emerging diseases include (3)
- New diseases appearing in the population
- Existing diseases that are rapidly increasing in incidence or geographic range
- Resurgent old diseases caused by an old/mutated pathogen
List the 8 factors that precipice to disease emergence
- Increased human exposure to vectors in nature
- Pop. growth and migration to crowded cities
- Rapid international travel and transport of goods
- Pathogen mutation caused by over utilization of antimicrobial agents
- Breakdown in public health
- Climate change
- Bioterrorism
Identify the 2 causes for the cholera outbreak in South America and Africa
- Deterioration of public health programs
2. Inadequate sanitation and insufficient chlorine levels in water
Where did immigrants that reintroduced diphtheria into the USA come from?
Name the disease emergence which was responsible for the 1993 Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome
Hantavirus infection carried by deer mice (particles from mice feces)
List the signs and symptoms of Dengue fever
High fever, headache, muscle and joint ache, malaise, rash
What is the vector for Lyme disease?
Deer ticks
What factor for disease emergence is responsible for the spread of “once localized” infections such as HIV
International travel
In 2001, terrorists caused an outbreak of which disease in the USA
What was the source of the SARS outbreak to North America in 2003?
Travellers from Asia
List the reason the influenza virus is so successful
It mutates easily
Which fly in 2009 was a vaccine developed for?
Unpasteurized apple juice and contaminated spinach is linked to causing which E. Coli?
E. Coli 0157:H7
In June 2011, a deadly strain of E. coli caused deaths in Germany. Which countries were linked to this strain as well?
Egypt, UK
The E. Coli 104:H4 has a trait that produces a toxin that causes kidney failure. What is the name of that toxin?
Shiga toxin
Where did the 2014 multi-country outbreak of Ebola occur?
-originated in west Africa
- Sierra Leone
- Libia
- Guinea