Pretrial Procedures - Right to Jury Trial Flashcards
What are the types of eyewitness identification?
- Corporeal Identification - in-person (lineups)
- Non-Corporeal Identification - NOT in-person & involve police using photo arrays for a wit. to ID the perpetrator of the crime
6th Amendment right to counsel at lineups
- At in-person post-indictment lineup
- NOT at non-corporeal
- D can waive the right if made knowingly & intelligently
Eyewitness ID Procedure - Remedy for violation
Testimony about post-indictment, Pre-trial identification w/out counsel is inadmissible
- BUT wit. can still ID defendant at trial if prosecution can show that the ID has independent reliability
Impermissible Suggestive Identification Procedures
Due Process Rights
D has due process right pursuant to the 5th Amendment (for fed. prosecutions) and 14th Amend. (for state)
- w/ regard to witness’s identification based on ID procedure arranged by police that was impermissibly suggestive
- whether corporeal or non-corporeal
- whether ID took place b/f or after indictment of D
Test for Impermissibly Suggestive ID Procedure
- 2 Prong Test to determine the admiss. of a pre or post indictment corporeal or non-corporeal identification
- Tp prevail, D must show that the procedure was:
- Impermissibly Suggestive AND
- There was subst. likelihood of misidentification
- To have ID admitted, prosecution can offer ev. that the ID was still reliable
What are the factors considered by the court in determining if impermissibly suggestive procedure results in an unreliable identification ?
- Witnes’s opp. to view the D at the time of the crime
- Wit. degree of attention at the time of the crime
- Accuracy of the wit. description of the D b/f the ID
- Level of certainty at time of the identification AND
- length of time b/w crime and ID
What is the Remedy for illegal identification ?
Conviction as the result of a trial where an illegal ID was admitted will be overturned
- Unless, under doctrine of harmless error, the appellate ct. is convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that the improperly admitted ID didn’t contribute to the verdict
Preliminary Proceedings - What must occur in order to determine whether a defendant can be held?
Probable Cause to Detain (Gerstein Hearing) - Under 4th Amendment a prelim. hearing must be held to determine if PC exists to hold the defendant.
- No right to counsel
- hearsay evidence can be introduced
- must be held w/in 48 hours of arrest to determine PC
- 4th guarantees D right to be released if no PC
- no remedy if detention is unlawful (other than exclusion of evidence discovered as a consequence of unlawful detainment)
Preliminary Proceedings - Initial Appearance
D must be brought b/f judge who advises D of the charges and his rights & appoints counsel if he is indigent
- judge may also decide whether D should be release b/f trial and the cond. of the release (e.g. bail)
- Accept plea from the D and
- set date for preliminary hearing
Preliminary Proceeding - Arraignment
Court informs D of the crime D has been charged & gets D’s response (ie. plea)
- Ct. may appoint counsel for indigent D
- Can also take place at initial appearance
Preliminary Proceedings - Detention Hearing
Can occur at same time as initial appearance or at seperate hearing
- Ct. determines whether to release D & any conditions for release
- Ct. may set bail
Preliminary Proceedings - Preliminary Hearing to Determine Probable Cause to Prosecute
Subsequent to D’s initial appearance, prelim. hearing may be held to determine if there’s PC to believe D has committed a specific crime
- This is an adversarial proceeding
- D has the right to counsel
- D who has been indicted by grand jury is not entitled to this hearing
Right to Bail
No const. right to bail BUT any denial of bail must comply w/ the Due Process Clause
- Setting excessive bail or refusal to set bail is immed. appealable
Excessive Bail Defined
Under 8th Amendment - Bail set higher than an amount reasonably calculated to endure the D’s presence at trial is excessive
Incompetency is a bar to trial - Judge has const. duty to investigate and determine the competence of the D to stand trial if ev. is apparant to the judge
- Test - whether the D comprehends the nature of the proceedings against him and has the ability to consult with a lawyer w/ a reasonable degree of rational understanding
What is the effect if Defendant is declared mentally incompetent to stand trial?
If the charge is a serious criminal offense, then the gov’t may administer antipsychotic drugs
- 3 conditions must be met b/f defendant can receive the drugs
- Treatment shouldn’t cause serious side effects that would affect the fairness of the trial
- The treatment is nec. & there is no less intrusive method to further the gov’t important interest AND
- The treatment is medically approp.
What is a Grand Jury Indictment ?
Indictment is a written accusation stating the charges against the D issued by a grand jury after it reviews the prosecution’s evidence
- This formal charging process is mandated by the 5th amend. under the fed. system for felonies
Grand Jury Proceedings - Defendant’s Rights
Grand Jury is a non-adversarial proceeding
- proceedings conducted in secret
- No right to present or confront witnessess or introduce ev.
- not entitled to dismissal due to procedural defect
- unless defect subst. impacted the grand jury’s decision to indict
- BUT can make a motion to seal the GJ report if he believes he has been defamed
- Double Jeopardy does not apply to grand Jury proceedings
Grand Jury Proceedings - Role of Prosecutor
Advisor to the Grand Jury - with respect to the law and assis the GJ in its job of issuing subpoenas for witnessess & evidence
Do miranda warnings need to be given for grand jury proceedings?
No, because a defendant is not in custody
What is the states duty to disclose?
Affirmative duty to disclose any material evidence favorable to D & relevant to prosecutor’s case-in-chief that would negate guilt or diminish culpability/punishment
What is the effect if the state fails to disclose material evidence?
Violates Due Process Clasue & is grounds for reversal
- regardless of whether failure to disclose was intentional
- If the D can show that
- the ev. is fav. to the D AND
- the failure to disclose caused prejudice against the D
- Reas. prob. of a different outcome had the ev. been disclosed earlier