Pretest Flashcards
+ romberg means problems in …
cerebellar, vestibulopathy, and posterior column
resting tremor in parkinsons is
resting tremor vs intentional tremor anatomy
Resting: substaintia nigra
Intentional: cerebellum
sensory disturbances is likely due to
what happens to pill rolling tremor during sleep
phenytoin can cause what side effect
gaze evoked nystagmus
problem w convergence is due to
what is the weber test and what does it inidcate
Vibration in the middle:
louder in the affected side: conductive hearing loss as outside voice is blocked and you hear lower on affected side
louder in unaffected side: sensisinoral hearing loss due to loss of cochlear nerve
ocular bobbing
up and down of eyes even in sleep or open eyes; pons
triad of parkinsonism
is asymmetric resting
tremor, rigidity, and bradykinesia.
post viral cases are
ADEM or demylenating in nature
Hyperacusis is an indication that
damage to the facial nerve is close to its origin from the brainstem, because
the nerve to the stapedius muscle is one of the first branches of the facial
nerve. Non functional stapedius muscle means undampened transmission of acustic sound
Inappropriate slack to tympanic membrane means
damage to tensor tympani controlled by motor nerve of CN5
atrophy and fasciculation of tongue means
denervation of 12th hypoglossal never which provides motor to tongue;
hypersensitivity to acetylcholine acting at the dener-
vated neuromuscular junction;
—brainstem disease, such as stroke or bulbar
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), or with transection of the hypoglossal nerve.
caloric testing tests which organ
how does caloric testing normally work
Cold: turns off singnal in that ear, acts as if head turns in the opposite direction=> eyes towards stimulated ear but nystagmus away
warm: turns on signal in that ear, acts as if head turns in the stimulated direction=> eyes away from stimulation but nystagmus towards stimulated
Nystagmus: COWS
how does caloric testing normally work
Cold: turns off singnal in that ear, acts as if head turns in the opposite direction=> eyes towards stimulated ear but nystagmus away
warm: turns on signal in that ear, acts as if head turns in the stimulated direction=> eyes away from stimulation but nystagmus towards stimulated
Nystagmus: COWS
horner syndrome has
ptosis and myosis
horner syndrome, the problem is in..
superior cervical ganglion
sympathetic pathway
begins in the hypothala-
mus, travels down through the lateral aspect of the brainstem, synapses in the intermediolateral cell column of the spinal cord, exits the spinal cord at
the level of T1, and synapses again in the superior cervical ganglion.
painful horner without anhidrosis after vigorous activity is a sign of what? and why
– Aortic dissection
- postganglionic fibers travel along the surface of the common carotid
and internal carotid arteries until branches leave along the ophthalmic artery
to the eye. Fibers of the sympathetic nervous system, which are destined
to serve the sudomotor function of the forehead, travel with the external carotid artery. Thus diseases affecting the internal carotid artery and the overlying sympathetic plexus do not produce anhidrosis, the third ele-
ment of Horner syndrome.
how to distinguish CNS3 pstosis w horner syndrome.
How to distinguish superior cervical ganglion from T1 nerve root lesion
Lesions of cranial nerve (CN) III do cause ptosis, but they would also be expected to cause ipsilateral mydriasis, or pupillary enlargement, not miosis. The degree of ptosis is usually much more severe in third nerve palsy than in Horner syndrome; this is because CN III supplies the levator palpebrae, the primary levator of the lid, whereas the sympathetics supply Müller muscle, which plays an accessory role.
The sympathetic pathway does exit the spinal cord at T1, but injury at this location would not cause orbital pain, which is typical of carotid arterial dissection.
most dense on CT
hx of bells palsy now treated, pt he has noticed invol-
untary twitching at the left corner of the mouth each time he tries to blink the left eye. why
Aberrant regeneration is possible only if the nerve cell bodies survive the injury and produce axons
that find their way to neuromuscular junctions. Fibers intended for the periorbital muscles end up at the perioral muscles, and signals for eye closure induce mouth retraction.
hx of bells palsy now treated, pt he has noticed invol-
untary twitching at the left corner of the mouth each time he tries to blink the left eye. why
Aberrant regeneration is possible only if the nerve cell bodies survive the injury and produce axons
that find their way to neuromuscular junctions. Fibers intended for the periorbital muscles end up at the perioral muscles, and signals for eye closure induce mouth retraction.
subarchnoid hemorrage can present w headache and
neck stiffness
suspect subarachnoid hemorrage but ct non con is neg. what next
LP to rule out SAH
Which of the follow-
ing is the most definitive test for identifying intracranial aneurysms?
cerebral angiography
what happens to RBC in traumatic LP
RBC numbers decrease from tube 1 to 4. If not, then increased RBC
how to know if wbc is elevated in CSF
1 wbc: 500 RBC is appropirate. Any more WBC means infection
site most likely to produce non communicating hydrocephalus is…
of Sylvius, which connects the third ventricle with the fourth ventricle.
communicating hydrocephalus vs non comm
com: problem is production vs absorption of csf
non com: obstrcution of ventricle
Chiari MF 1 vs 2 vs dandywalker
1: tonsilar herniation
2: tonsilar + vermis herniation
dandywalker: enlargement of 4th ventricle w mega cisterna magna
Tumors common in posterior fossa
a) Meningiomas
b. Ependymomas
c. Hemangioblastomas
d. Medulloblastomas
tentorium cerebelli is
part of the meninges that separates the superior cerebellum from the cerebrum
tentorium cerebelli is the common site for
enpendymomas orgin is
choroid plexus
astrocytoma orignate in
glial cells + healthy brain tissues
distinguish vascular vs calcemic mass on CT
Calcemic: hyperdense wo contrast
vascular: hyperdense after contrast
posterior fossa mass without involvement of the eighth CN, seems to arise from bone, the most
probable neoplasm is
tx for calcified mass in right frontal
meningioma=> resection
NF1 vs NF2
1) chromosomal involvement
2) chracteristics
1) NF1: deletion of chrm 17
NF2: deletion of long arm of chr 22
2) NF1: cutaneous manifestations
NF2: Meningiomas and bilateral acoustic neuromas occur
eeg in normal relaxed person
8-13 hertz aka alpha wave => becomes less obvious w drowsy or when eye opening and concentration on math
how to test wernicke aphasia
(impaired naming, com-
prehension, and repetition with fluent speech).
Neglect and left hemiparesis
would be more likely with
right brain lesion
Alexia without agraphia is a disconnection syndrome associated with lesions involving
left occipital lobe or splenium of corpus colosum
window for tpa
3 hours
absence seizure on eeg
3-Hz spike-
and-wave pattern
elevated ESR and periungual telangiectasias in pt w proximal weakness probably has …
muscle biopsies of myopahties
polymyositis: extensive necrosis of mus-
cle fiber segments is seen with macrophage and lymphocyte infiltration.
dermatomyositis: perifascicular muscle fiber atrophy, and the inflammatory infiltrate occurs in the perimy-
sial connective tissue rather than throughout the muscle fibers themselves.
Inclusion body myositis: same as polymyositis except that rimmed vacuoles are also seen.
muscle biopsies of myopahties
polymyositis: extensive necrosis of mus-
cle fiber segments is seen with macrophage and lymphocyte infiltration.
dermatomyositis: perifascicular muscle fiber atrophy, and the inflammatory infiltrate occurs in the perimy-
sial connective tissue rather than throughout the muscle fibers themselves.
Inclusion body myositis: same as polymyositis except that rimmed vacuoles are also seen.
CSF in seizure is..
classic guimbre csf
high protein due to albumin with normal everything else
what is elevated in LP of SAH
RBC, WBC, opening pressure, xanthocromia (aka yellow)
signs of spinal cord involvment, ataxia, incontience, transient impotence CSF is
likely MS showing elevated IgG and oligoclonal bands
obese woman w headache csf
elevated opening pressure => pseudotumor cerebri
pure motor function deficit without any sensory involvement is
lacunar infarct with involvement of posterior limb of internal capsule being the site of injury
loss of ONLY sensation involving the entire left side of his
body (face, arm, and leg).
right posteroventral nucleus of the lateral thalamus
Thalamic pain syndrome
During recovery from this thalamic stroke, paradoxical
pain may develop in the area of sensory impairment. This paradoxical pain associated with decreased pain sensitivity is referred to as the thalamic pain
Wallenberg syndrome has
ipsilateral ataxia and ipsilateral Horner syndrome. The trigeminal tract damage may produce ipsilateral loss of facial pain and temperature perception and ipsilateral impairment of the corneal reflex.
The lateral spinothalamic damage produces pain and temperature disturbances contralateral to the
injury in the limbs and trunk.
Wallenberg syndrome is due to interurption of which vessel
vertebral artery
most common cause of hemosideran deposit
in elderly patients without hypertension.
hemosiderin deposit = sign of lobar hemorrage => most common sign is
cerebral B amyloid angiopathy
hoarseness and dysphagia in an pt w vertebral artery dissection is due to…
The nucleus ambiguus, located in the ventrolateral medulla, contains the motor neurons that contrib-
ute to the ninth (glossopharyngeal) and tenth (vagus) cranial nerves.
motor neurons of the nucleus ambiguus innervate the striated muscles of the larynx and pharynx + preganglionic parasympa-
thetic supply to thoracic organs, including the esophagus, heart, and lungs.
nucleus solitarius
combines afferents from CNs VII, IX, and X responsible for visceral sensation.
Its projections are primarily to parasym-
pathetic and sympathetic preganglionic neurons in the medulla and spinal cord.
headache during sex or defaction
aneurysm rupture
lesion not enchanced by contrast on ct
IV drugs + aortic valve lesion + several hemoragic lesion in the brain
endocarditis => septic emboli or mycotic aneurysm (shape) => bleeds a lot so xanthochromic
mycotic aneurysm
- bleeds a lot but not easily detected on imaging
- present in gram pos or neg infection of the brain ie endocarditic septic embolism
todd’s paralysis may last
many hours, or even days.
encephalofacial angiomatosis (Sturge-Weber syndrome),is associated w
leptomeningeal angiomas and seizures
PICA stroke produces what…
a variety
of brainstem and cerebellar signs,
Anterior cerebral artery
stroke would be expected to cause
lower extremity weakness and would
not affect vision, although it could result in decreased speech production.
mca stroke
contralateral motor weakness, speech, vision (optic radiata loops arounds temporal lobe)
Vertebral or basilar artery occlusion would primarily affect
brainstem or cerbellar structure
If either posterior cerebral artery had its blood supply
compromised, there could be
visual loss or posterior (fluent) aphasia
Choroidal artery occlusions might produce
focal weakness wo speech problems
problems w pupil dilation + oculomotor muscles dysfunction is most likely due to
compression by saccualar aneurysm; transfemoral angiogram is diagnositic
Hippel Lindau
Hemangioblastomas are vascular tumors seen in association with polycystic disease of the kidney
and telangiectasias of the retina
Charcot Buchard aneurysm ASSOCIATED W
chronic hypertension and most commonly appear in perforating
arteries of the brain like lenticulostrial arteries
is especially susceptible to the formation of Charcot-
Bouchard aneurysms.
dentate nucleus of cerebellus
TIA or amourosis fugax is due to
carotid artery disease occluding central retinal artery
symptomatic carotid stenois by 70%. tx is
carotid endarterectomy
Patients with the rare syndrome of
conduction aphasia have problems with repetition that are more obvious
than their problems with comprehension. Their speech usually does not
sound very fluent.
conduction aphasia
type of speech loss in brocas aphasia
Speech becomes telegraphic (ie, consisting of short phrases
with omission of small connecting words such as articles and conjunctions)
permanent loss of all ability to produce meaning-
ful language is unlikely if the area of infarction is less than a few centimeters across.
The most persistent difficulty usually exhibited by patients with this type of stroke is a permanent loss of syntax.
Mixed transcortical aphasia
can repeat but cannot spontaneously speak or comprehension aka broca and wernicke but can repeat
hypotension => watershed areas => affects brocas and wernecke
Anomic aphasia
Naming is impaired. Comprehension, repetition, and
fluency are relatively maintained.
–common in patients with diffuse brain dysfunction.
Transcortical motor aphasia
similar to Broca aphasia with the exception of preserved repetition.
-poor naming ability and is nonfluent.
Comprehension and repetition are relatively preserved.
Transcortical sensory aphasia
similar to Wernicke aphasia with the exception of preserved repetition.
lesion generally occupies the white matter underlying the
cortex of Wernicke area. In most cases, the prognosis for improvement is
better than that for Wernicke aphasia.
1-2 vs 2-3 hertz spike on EEG
3 Hz spike-and-wave pattern would confirm absence.
1-2 Hz would be consistent with severe neurological dysfunction and symptomatic generalized epilepsy.
preferred benzo for status
1) lorazepam: fast acting and remains in brain for long time
Past: diazapam- fast acting to reach brain, but cleared from brain in 20 min thus would need another medicine after 20 mninutes
side effects of
b. Diazepam
c. Phenobarbital
d. Clonazepam
e. Phenytoin
Phenytoin: if infused at greater than 50mg/min, then cardioarrythmia
Fospheytoid: if infused at greater than 150 mg/min then cardioarrythmia; IM possible
phenobarbital: hypotension and resp distress
pam: hypotension and autonomic dysfunction
pt comes to hospital after simple compelx seizure. now normal. What next
MRI to figure the cause of seizure.
EEg is useless as already know its seizure and it adds nothing new to information
timeline for alcoholic withdrawl
seizures: 1-2 days
delirious tremens: 2-4 days
symtoms resolve within 7-14 days
Landau-Kleffner syndrome
associated with loss of
language function and an abnormal EEG during sleep.
Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy
benign epilepsy syndrome with onset in late ado-
lescence or early adulthood.
LGS eeg
by mental dysfunction, multiple seizure types, and 1-to 2-Hz generalized spike-wave discharges on EEG.
oldfactory aura in seizure - lesion?
the mesial temporal lobe, particularly the hippocam-
pus or parahippocampal gyrus.
what is given for seizure prophalaxis in traumatic head? Why?
Phenytoin - to prevent post traumatic EARLY seizure. they are not been shown to be helpful against longterm or late seizures. Preventing early seizure decreases mortality. so phenytoin given for short amount of time.
most common complication of temporal lobectomy
visual field defect caused by interruption of
fibers from the optic tracts passing over the temporal horn of the lateral
ventricles. Superior quadrantanopsia
history of febrile seizure => now intractable seizure in the last year. MRI shows
sclerotic hippocampus aka mesial temporal sclerosis
the most common cause of intractable complex
partial seizures in adults.
mesial temporal sclerosis
tx of mesial temporal sclerosis
anterior temporal lobe may produce seizure freedom in up to 80% of cases.
jacksonian march
1) sequential seizure, the patient develops focal seizure activity that is primarily motor and spreads.
2) starts w hand and then generalizes w loss of consciousness
3) The face may be involved early because the thumb and the mouth are situated near each other on the motor strip of the cerebral cortex.
myoclonic jerks is …
associated w….
invountary muscle jerking, no loss of consciousness
benign juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (BJME) when mycolonic jerks occur after waking up
general clonic tonic seizures
high risk for a variety of injuries, such as dislocated shoulders, broken bones, and head trauma.
Patients with this type of seizure always lose consciousness during the attack.
—- may
be mistaken for a psychiatric problem,
complex partial seizure– esp if uncinate (from temporal lobes uncus) features like unpleasant smell or taste
complications of status
include respiratory failure,
aspiration, acidosis, hypotension, rhabdomyolysis, renal failure, and cogni-
tive impairment.
def of status
generalized clonic tonic seizure that lasts continuously for 30 minutes or a series of
seizures over a 30-minute period without the patient regaining full con-
sciousness between them.
Epilepsia partialis continua
aka focal motor status elipticus
- persistent focal seizures for hours or for months. The
response to therapy is often poor.
- alert, able to follow commands, and has no gaze deviation.
tx for having complex
partial seizures without secondary generalization.
tx for seizure localized to temporal lobe
west syndrome characterisitics
generalized seizure disorder of infants characterized by recurrent spasms,
the EEG pattern of hypsarrhythmia (diffuse, high-voltage, polyspike-
and-slow-wave discharges between spasms and suppression of these bursts
during the spasms.) and retardation.
tx of seizures in someone whose sibling died with a brainstem glioma, and the father
has several large areas of hypopigmented skin in the shape of ash leaves.
The infant had obvious psychomotor retardation even before the appear-
ance of the spasms.
its tuberous sclerosis thus ACTH
seizures due to west sydnrome
tx for absence seizure
1) Ethusuximide is first choice
2) If side effect of GI probs in children, seizures not under control on ethusximide, then Divalproex sodium
3) If the absence seizures
are associated with generalized tonic-clonic seizure ====> divalproex sodium
eclampsia seizure
that magnesium sulfate (MgSO4)
what is unique about classic migraine
visual aura
classic migraine vs bibasilar migrane
Similarity: women > men, vision changes, the aura usually resolves within 10-to-30 minutes,
and the headache invariably follows, rather than precedes, the neurological deficits;
DIfference: the character and severity of neurological deficits associated with basilar migraine are distinct. The visual change may evolve to complete blindness. Irritability may develop into psychosis. Rather than
a mild hemiparesis, the patient may have a transient quadriplegia. Stupor, syncope, and even coma may appear and persist for hours.
trigenmnal neuralgia vs atypical facial pain
Trigeminal: praoxysmal, lancinating pains
atypical facial pain: constant, deep pain, uni or bilateral,
- – responds to SSRI indicating may be related to depression
- –Progressive loss of sensation in the distribution of the fifth cranial nerve (CN) should prompt search for malignancy
BOTH: can be unilateral
trigeminal neuralgia is assocaited w
- multiple sclerosis
- basilar artery aneurysms, acoustic schwanno-
mas, and posterior fossa meningiomas => all of which cause injury to 5th nerve compression
Tolosa-Hunt syndrome
inflammatory disorder that produces ophthalmoplegia associated with headache and loss of sensation over the forehead.
–pathologic site: superior orbital fissure or the cavernous sinus
prophalactic meds for migraine
amitriptyline hydrochloride, propranolol, verapamil, and valproate.
acute tx for migraine
Metoclopramide hydrochloride,
sumatriptan, and ergotamine tartrate
presentation of giant cell arteritis aka temporal arteritis
persistent fevers and progres-
sive weight loss.
tx for postherpetic neuralgia
imipramine hydrochloride,
sudden headache that prompts CT non con and LP is..
thunderclap headache
- —even if ct and LP negative, consider angiogram as changes in aneurysm can cause that type of headache
- ——classic occurs during sex
MRI and LP in pseudotumor cerebri
normal MRI w increased LP opening pressure + papiledema; presents w morning headaches w vision changes and tinnitus