Preterite Vs Imperfect Rules Flashcards
DEATHCOWS acronym is for:
SAFE acronym is for:
What does the “D” in Death cows mean
What does the “E” in Death cows mean
Emotions, state of mind
What does the “A” in Death cows mean
What does the “T” in Death cowsmean
Time, Date
What does the “H” in Death cows mean
Habitual actions (used to)
What does the “C” in Death Cows mean
Continuing Actions
What does the “O” in Death Cows mean
Ongoing Actions (was/were __ing)
What does the “W” in Death Cows mean
What does the “S” in Death Cows mean
Simultaneous actions (Same time)
What does the “S” in SAFE mean
Specific instance or number of instances
What does the “A” in SAFE mean
Action that interrupts ongoing events
What does the “F” in SAFE mean
Focus on beginning or ending of action
In preterite, for AR and ER/IR form, where do you place the accents?
On the Yo and Usted
What does the “E” in SAFE mean
Enclosed amount of time, or limited and completed time frame
What is the AR form for preterite
(e) amos
aste X
(o) aron
What is the ER/IR form for preterite
(i) imos
iste X
i(o) ieron
Preterite is used for a ____ time completed action with a ____ time frame
one, specific
Imperfect is used for a ____ in the past or actions with a ____ time frame
Habit, undefined/general
What is the AR form for Imperfect
aba (a)bamos
abas X
aba aban
What is the ER/IR form for Imperfect
(i)a (i)amos
(i)as X
(i)a (i)an
What are the 3 irregulars for Imperfect
What are the Imperfect endings for SER
era (e)ramos
eras X
era eran
What are the Imperfect endings for IR
iba (i)bamos
ibas X
iba iban
What are the Imperfect endings for VER
ve(i)a ve(i)amos
ve(i)as X
ve(i)a ve(i)an
What is the acronym for all preterite irregulars
What are the endings for irregular preterite verbs
e imos
iste X
o (zo for hacer) ieron (eron for decir/traer)
What is the Yo form for CAR GAR ZAR preterite verbs
qu(e), gu(e), c(e)
Endings for IR/SER in preterite
fui fuimos
fuiste X
fue fueron
Endings for DAR/VER in preterite
-i -imos
-iste X
-io -ieron
What are the verbs for the I-Y sandal changers
What changes in sandal changer preterite verbs
Usted and Ustedes forms change
What are the I-Y sandal changers with extra accents
caer creer leer o(i)r
What is the difference between a stem change and sandal change
Stem change changes the verb, sandal change changes the ending
What are the E-I stem changers
pedir seguir sentir
Where are the extra accents placed in preterite I-Y
on the i of the Tu and Nos form
What are the O-U stem changers
dormir morir