Preston Sturges and Screwball Comedy Flashcards
Wat waren de kenmerken van Screwball comedy?
The screwball comedies were set in Depression America and portrayed the economic distress marking the 1930s; they fea-tured characters like Peter Warne, who had just been fired. But these familiar challenges were portrayed in a spirit of comic fun and with a belief that the crisis would be mastered.
The screwball couple expresses attraction through aggression. Bickering and insults often lead to physical battles and schemes to get even.
marriage as a continuing adventure rather than a passage into the routine of family life
Above all else, perhaps, it is this sense of instability and inversion—a world turned upside down—that epitomizes screwball comedy.
Screwball comedy is censored comedy.
Wanneer eindigde screwball?
Toen America in de wereldoorlog mee ging vechten
Welke twee dingen maakte Sturges screwball anders dan de andere?
a dark undercurrent and cartoon sexuality