pressure systems Flashcards
hanger yoke
high pressure
gas cylinders (E)
high pressure
O2= 1900 psi, 660L 2,5
N2O= 745psi, 1600L 3,5
Air= 1900 psi, 600L 1,5
cylinder pressure gauge
high pressure
cylinder pressure regulators
high pressure
decrease pressure and maintains constant pressure
lower than wall so that it pulls from wall first
check valve
high pressure
prevents exit from machine when no cylinder present
prevents transfilling
master switch
intermediate pressure
pipeline inlet connections
intermediate pressure
pipeline pressure gauges
intermediated pressure
read 50-55 psi
oxygen pressure failure device
intermediated pressure
Loss of O2 pressure decreases N2O
does not know gas, just pressure
oxygen supply failure alarm
intermediate pressure
gas selector switch
intermediate pressure
second stage pressure regulator
intermediate pressure
not present in all
reduces pipeline pressure to flowmeters
O2 flush
intermediated pressure
flow adjustment controls
intermediate pressure
alternate oxygen control
intermediated pressure
on Aysis- use if electrical failure
low pressure
hypoxia prevention safety devices
low pressure
unidirectional check valves
low pressure
pressure relief devices
low pressure
common fresh gas outlet
low pressure
auxiliary O2 flowmeter
low pressure
breathing circuit
low pressure y port CO2 absorber I and E valves APL Reservoir bag
NOT reliant on electrical power
manual ventilation mechanical flow meteres scavenging O2 flush auxiliary flow meters
Dependent on electrical power
mechanical ventilators
electronic monitors
digital flowmeters
electronic vaporizers
What to do with loss of pipeline pressure
open cylinder of O2
disconnect rom wall
ventilate by hand
low flow in flow meters is governed by
high flow in flow meters is governed by
where is the O2 flow meter related to the others
last, to the right
NIOSH trace gas recommendations
N2O alone= 25 ppm
N2O in combo = 25 ppm
Halogenated along =2
Halogenated in combo= .5