Pressure in fluids and atmospheric pressure Flashcards
Thrust is the force acting normally on a surface.
how is thrust exerted by a body?
thrust exerted by a body is equal to its weight
Thrust is ______ quantity
SI unit of thrust
C.G.S unit of thrust
Relationship between SI and cgs unit of thrust
1 N = 10^5 dyne
1 kgf = _____________ Newton
1 gf = ___________ dyne
what does the impact of thrust depend upon?
area on which it acts
thrust / area
si unit of pressure
pascal formula
1 N/m^2
pascal definition
one pascal is the pressure exerted on a surface of area 1m^2 by a force on 1 newton acting normaly on it.
What is 1 bar equivalent to in terms of N/m²?
1 bar = 10⁵ N/m²
What is 1 millibar equivalent to in terms of bar and N/m²?
1 millibar = 10⁻³ bar = 10² N/m²
In which unit is atmospheric pressure often expressed?
Atmospheric pressure is often expressed in terms of the height of a mercury column in a barometer.
What is 1 atmosphere (atm) equal to in terms of mercury column height?
1 atm = 0.76 m of Hg
What is 1 atmosphere (atm) in terms of pascals (Pa)?
1 atm = 1.013 × 10⁵ Pa
What is 1 torr equivalent to in terms of atm?
1 torr = 1 atm / 760
A fluid is any substance that can flow, encompassing both liquids and gases.
Pressure in Fluids (direction)
A solid exerts pressure only on the surface it is placed on, primarily at its bottom.
A fluid, however, exerts pressure not just on the bottom of its container but also on the walls of the container due to its ability to flow. Hence, a fluid exerts pressure in all directions.
Conclusion: A fluid contained in a vessel exerts pressure at all points and in all directions.
Experimental Demonstration: (pressure in all directions)
Setup: Take a vessel filled with a liquid (e.g., water) and place it on a horizontal surface. Make several small holes at different points in the walls of the vessel, below the free surface of the liquid.
Observations: Liquid Spurting: The liquid spurts out through each hole. This indicates that the liquid exerts pressure at each point on the vessel’s walls. Feeling Thrust: When a finger is placed on any hole, a thrust due to the liquid is felt. This demonstrates that the liquid in the vessel exerts a thrust at all points below its free surface. The thrust per unit area at a point corresponds to the pressure of the liquid at that point. Distance of Flow: By noting the distance from the bottom of the vessel to the point where the liquid from a hole strikes the horizontal surface, it is observed that as the depth of the hole below the free surface of the liquid increases, the throw of the liquid also increases. This shows that liquid pressure at a point increases with the depth of the point from its free surface.