Pressure Groups Examples Flashcards
Example of pressure groups operating on a relatively narrow range of issues
Plane Stupid 2005
Justice for Gurkhas 2010
Example of pressure groups operating in law courts successfully
February 2012 (Supreme Court) Ravat versus Haliburton - Trade Unions brought a claim that protection from unfair dismissal extended to British workers employed overseas. This appeal was successful
Example of pressure groups helping individual MPs or peers who are trying to promote private members’ legislation
Groups from the music industry supported action in the HoL which led to the Live Music Act in 2012, making it easier for music to be licensed for small venues
Example of pressure groups playing a key part in the governing process
The National Farmers’ Union (NFU) help to shape agricultural policy
Example of pressure groups carrying out the function of representation
Age UK representing the interests of the elderly (functional representation)
Example of pressure groups providing a less intensive but more relevant opportunity for political participation
Taxpayers’ Alliance organise online petitions
Example of pressure groups scrutinising legislative and policy proposals, suggesting how they may be improved or amended
Medical groups such as the British Medical Association and Royal College of Nursing have helped to shape NHS reform
Example of pressure groups educating and informing the public about politically important issues
Electoral Reform Society
Friends of the Earth publicise environmental issues
Example of a pressure group that put up candidates for election despite not seeking power
2017 - Animals Count
Example of a single-issue party
BNP - Anti-immigration
Example of pressure groups that are very closely associated with parties
Unlock Democracy and the Lib Dems
Example of a pressure group only having to look at one side of an issue (not having to take full responsibility) for all the policies that they propose
Greenpeace campaigns against trials of GM foods. However, there are also great potential benefits in GM foods, such as long-term solutions to poverty in some developing countries
(Governments meanwhile, would have to weigh up the benefits of GM foods against the possible problems)
Example of pressure groups having narrower concerns than parties
ASH - Won’t have any views on foreign policy
Another example of pressure groups not having to be accountable
ASH successfully campaigned for a smoking ban in public places, did not have to be responsible for the loss of govt. revenue
Examples of sectional / interest groups
Trade unions Institute of Directors (employers in general) Taxpayers' Alliance Age UK National Farmers' Union Engineering Employers' Federation Multiple Sclerosis Society Heart Foundation
Examples of cause / issue / promotional groups
Greenpeace Friends of the Earth Royal Society for the Protection of Birds National Trust Electoral Reform Society Liberty (for civil liberties)
Examples of environmental groups
Friends of the Earth
Examples of British environment groups
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
National Trust
Examples of pressure groups that campaign for changes in the political system
Electoral Reform Society
Example of dual-function groups
Countryside Alliance - Represents people in rural areas, but also campaigns for better countryside which can benefit everyone
Campaign for Better Transport - Believes that better public transport is an issue that affects us all, but it also represents existing users of such transport
Cancer Research
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC)
Example of short term pressure groups
Anti Poll Tax Federation - Campaigned against the unpopular local poll tax in 1989-90
Example of a pressure group which moves between being an insider and an outsider pressure group
A conservative government would normally consult regularly with Liberty, the human rights pressure group, but the Lib Dems viewed them as insiders in the coalition
Example of an insider pressure group that the govt. receives information from
The Confederation of British Industry regularly produces reports on how businesses are operating and what it’s attitudes are towards such issues as business tax
Example of pressure groups with permanent seats on govt. policy committees and agencies and why this is beneficial for the govt.
National Farmers’ Union
It is advantageous to govt. that all agricultural policy should be considered by representatives of the farming community
Example of pressure group that has actually been set up by the govt. itself and may be funded by taxpayers’ money (They are almost part of govt., not just insiders)
Commission for Equality and Human Rights (CEHR) - Was set up in 2006 to advise govt. on equality
Office of Fair Trading is another example of an ‘ultra insider’ group
What sort of insider pressure groups risk being too close to the govt. and losing independence
Environmental groups and trade unions
Example of a pressure group which would rather have outsider status in order to be independent
Greenpeace - Feels it can make more of an impact by remaining as outsiders e.g. disrupting international conferences
Example of an aspiring insider pressure group
Association of British Drivers - Was faced with an unsympathetic Labour Govt.
Example of pressure groups that lost their insider status
Trade unions under Thatcher