President Reagan's Economic Policy: Reaganomics Flashcards
Pre-Existing Problems
Unemployement 6.2%
Inflation double figures
Federal debt $73.8 billion
Key Aims
Economic Style
Supply-side economics
Cut taxes, increased profits, increased production, increased profits, expansion repeate
Omnibus Reconciliation Act + Economic Recovery Tax (1981)
Cut federal spending by $35bn, cut approx 300 fed programmes
Cut taxes to encourage growth- 2nd Economic Tax Recovery Act cut personal tax by 25%
Deregulate industry
Cutting Social Expenditure
Social Welfare Programmes
Cut spending on over 300 programmes, reduction of $963 bn between 1981-1987
Social spending fell by average 1.5% annually under Reagan
Cutting Social Expenditure
Federal Government
New federalism- reduction in fed gov power
Slashed spending on fed gov departments- Department of Housing and Urban Development budget cut 57% 1981-1987
Cutting Social Expenditure
Tax cuts benefitted rich + tax rises hit less affluent hardest
Homelessness increased- 200,000 to 400,000 and average income of poor decreased by $1,300 a year
Cutting Social Expenditure
Wanted to reduce inflation, reduce size of fed gov, felt extreme reliance on welfare,
Reduced gov spending + debt
Increased unemployment in fed gov
Reduced benefits, so inc. poverty and homelessness
Government Budget and Defence Expenditure
Increased Defence Spending
‘Defence is not a budget album’
By 1983, fed defence spending 23.5% of GDP, fed employees (defence) rose from 2.9 million to 3.1 million (1981 to 1983)
Government Budget and Defence Expenditure
Increased General Spending
Fed spending increased $699.1bn to $859.3bn (1980 to 1987)
Cuts in social spending, but only 17% of federal budget
Budget deficit 5x that of predecessors- Congress passed Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficits Control Act (1985)
Government Budget and Defence Expenditure
5% population, but 25% of goods by 1990
Post 1983, US longest period of economic growth in peace-time
1980 to 1988- Inflation fell 13.5% to 4.%, unemployment fell 7% to 5.2%, 16 million new jobs
Real GNP grew 11% between 1981-4
Government Budget and Defence Expenditure
Had criticised $1 trillion national debt as ‘mortgaging our future and our children’s future’
But it tripled to more than $2.6 trillion
Huge trade deficit, went from largest creditor nation to largest debtor nation
Government Budget and Defence Expenditure
Foreign Competition
Foreign competition- decline in manufacturing
Persuaded Japanese manufacturers to voluntarily limit exports to USA
Japanese manufacturing plants in America- gave jobs
Government Budget and Defence Expenditure
Viewed defence as significant priority for US in Cold War
Inc. employment in defence
Excessive spending, more borrowing, increased debt
US retained some economic strength
Tax Reductions
Individual and corporate tax cuts (Economic Recovery Act) stimulated investment and production- benfitted rich over poor
2nd Economic Recovery Tax Act- reduced personal income tax by 25%
Tax Increases
Tax rises- ‘revenue enhancement’ - hit poorest hardest
1986- increased taxes on corporations and capital gains, lowered top rate of taxation (50% to 28%) and increased bottom rate of taxation (11% to 15%)