Presidency Chart: Cleveland Flashcards
When was Groover Cleveland president?
22nd (1885-1889) + 24th president (1893-1897)
Major items during Cleveland’s first term in 1886
Haymarket Square Riot and the Knights of Labor // The American Federation of Labor founded // Failure of tariff reform // Wabash Railroad v. Illinois
What happened in the Haymarket Square Riot?
Bomb thrown at policemen squad attempting to break up what begun as a peaceful labor rally –> police responded /w wild gunfire, killing people in the crowd, injuring dozens
What happened in the Knights of Labor?
Organized unskilled/skilled workers = campaigned for 8-hour workday + cooperative society where laborers own industries they work in –> 1886, collapsed Haymarket Square riot in Chicago
What was the American Federation of Labor?
AFL (American Federation of Labor) = 1886, several unions of skilled workers + contributed to large-scale labor movement // members included national trade, craft unions = organized unions/negotiated wages, hours, working conditions
What happened in the Failure of tariff reform?
Wanted to reduce tariff –> argued that it would wreck business prosperity + lead to mass unemployment = strategy to appeal to fear to rally financial support from captains of the industry
What was the Wabash Railroad v. Illinois?
1886, Supreme Court decision that severely limited rights of states’ control in interstate commerce –> led to creation of Interstate Commerce Commission
Major items during Cleveland’s first term in 1887
Interstate Commerce Act // Dawes Severalty Act
What election was Cleveland elected in?
The election of 1884
what election was Cleveland elected in the second time?
The election of 1892
Major items during Cleveland’s second term in 1893
Panic of 1893 and Depression // Repeal of the Sherman Silver Purchase Act
What happened in the Panic of 1893 and Depression?
National economic crisis set off collapse of Philadelphia and Reading Railroad & National Cordage Company –> Unemployment rates went from 20% to 25%
What happened in the Repeal of the Sherman Silver Purchase Act?
The law required the Treasury to buy the silver with a special issue of Treasury (Coin) Notes that could be redeemed for either silver or gold. … After the Panic of 1893 broke, President Grover Cleveland oversaw the repeal of the act to prevent the depletion of the government’s gold reserves.
major items during Cleveland’s second term in 1894
Coxey’s Army // Pullman Strike
What happened in Coxey’s Army?
Coxey’s Army was a protest march by unemployed workers from the United States, led by Ohio businessman Jacob Coxey. They marched on Washington, D.C. in 1894, the second year of a four-year economic depression that was the worst in United States history to that time.
What happened in the Pullman Strike?
The Pullman Strike (May–July 1894) was a widespread railroad strike and boycott that disrupted rail traffic in the U.S. Midwest in June–July 1894. … Grover Cleveland used to dispatch federal troops to address the strike. Following an outbreak of deadly violence, the strike dwindled and rail traffic resumed.
major items during Cleveland’s second term in 1895
U.S. v. E.C. Knight // In re Debs // Booker T. Washington’s Atlanta Compromise Speech
What happened in the U.S. v. E.C. Knight?
The court ruled 8 to 1 against the government, declaring that manufacturing (i.e., refining) was a local activity not subject to congressional regulation of interstate commerce. The decision, permitting combinations of manufacturers, put most monopolies beyond the reach of the Sherman Antitrust Act.
What happened in In re Debs?
In re Debs, Latin: “In the matter of Debs”, legal case in which the U.S. Supreme Court, on May 27, 1895, unanimously (9–0) upheld the government’s use of the injunction against a labour strike, specifically the Pullman Strike (May 11–July 20, 1894).
What was important was Booker T. Washington’s Atlanta Compromise Speech?
Washington’s 1895 Address to the Atlanta Cotton States and International Exposition is one of the most famous speeches in American history. The goal of the Atlanta Exposition was to showcase the economic progress of the South since the Civil War, to encourage international trade, and to attract investors to the region.
major items during Cleveland’s second term in 1896
Plessy v. Ferguson
What happened in Plessy v. Ferguson?
Plessy v. Ferguson was a landmark 1896 U.S. Supreme Court decision that upheld the constitutionality of racial segregation under the “separate but equal” doctrine. … As a result, restrictive Jim Crow legislation and separate public accommodations based on race became commonplace.