Presidency Flashcards
What are the enumerated powers of a president?
- commander in chief
- negotiate treaties
- state of the union address
- appoint ambassadors, judges, and US officers
- recess appointments
- grant pardons
- approve, propose or veto legislation
What are implied powers of the president?
- establish a cabinet
- executive agreements
- executive orders
- executive privilege
- power to persuade
What is an example of a president nominating someone but the nominee resigning?
- Puzder: Trump nominated him as Labour Secretary in 2016, but he had sexually harassed his workers.
- He withdrew his nomination to be labour secretary as Republican senators turned sharply against him, the latest defeat for a White House besieged by infighting and struggling for traction even with a Republican-controlled Congress.
What are Executive Orders?
- They are instructions given to federal departments and agencies regarding the enforcement of legislation.
- Presidents use them as a means to shape policy when congress don’t.
- They can be overturned by either a new law, a SC ruling, or simply a new president.
What are examples of EOs?
- Trump proposed a ‘Muslim Travel Ban’ banning citizens from 70 dominantly Muslim countries.
- In 2017, Trump removed federal subsides for Obamacare.
- In 2014, Obama issued DAPA (Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents) to allow certain illegal immigrants ‘deferred action status.’
What was the response to Obamas EO DAPA?
- Texas and 25 other states challenged the presidents actions in federal courts.
- In 2015, the federal appeals ruled Obama didn’t have such power and his action was unconstitutional.
Texas v US
What case upheld Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban EO?
Trump v Hawaii 2018
What is another phrase for ‘an official announcement’?
Presidential Proclamation
What is an example of a presidential proclamation?
National Emergency by Reason of certain Terrorist Attacks 2001
Define ‘pardon’
The presidential power to forgive someone for a federal crime, erasing it from their criminal record.
Define ‘commutation’
The ability of a president to reduce sentence issued.
What is an example of a commutation?
- Obama issued 330 commutations for criminals convicted of drug offences
What are examples of a pardon?
- Biden pardoned 6500 people for simple possession of marijuana.
- In final hours of presidency, Trump pardoned 73 people including former advisor who was facing fraud charges.
What are executive agreements?
Similar to treaties but do not require senate approval.
What are examples of executive agreements?
- Iran Nuclear Deal
- Paris Climate Change Agreement 2015. Joined by Obama, left by Trump, joined by Biden
What are examples of State of Union policy failures?
- Immigration reform 2016- relied on executive action instead
- Gun Control 2013- meaningful gun control continued to elude Obama
- Calls again to repeal Obamacare 2018- 2017 attempts failed and the courts were left to decide many issues
- Calls for Congress to pass $1.5 trillion infrastructure bill (2018)- the longest gov shutdown in US history due to his ‘wall’
What are examples of State of Union policy success?
Bush Jnr
- Healthcare reform 2003- reform signed, making prescriptions more affordable
- Gay Rights 2010- Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Repeal Act signed
What is the War Powers Act?
- guaranteed that “the collective judgement of both Congress and the President will apply” whenever the American armed forces are deployed over sees. It requires the President to consult the legislature “in every possible instance” before committing troops to war.
- The chief executive must notify congress within 48hrs whenever military forces are introduced
- Presidents are required to end foreign military actions after 60 days unless Congress provides a declaration of war or an authorisation for the operation to continue (AUMF)
What are examples of challenges to the War Powers Act?
- In 2011, Obama initiated a military action in Libya without congressional authorisation.
- Trump launched missile attacks on Syria after their use of chemical weapons. didn’t ask congress,
What are examples of National Events that have influenced a presidents’ power?
- Trump and COVID led to the media constantly watching him
- Biden’s infrastructure Bill 2021 was to find new climate resilience in response to COVID
- Capital Hill Insurrection in Jan 2020 tainted Trump’s legacy. Approval ratings decreased by 12%
- Hurricane Sandy during the election in 2012 enabled Obama to act presidential
- 9/11 enabled Bush to push Patriot Act (took 15 days) and AUMF. (Passed 1 week after)
What % of Biden’s cabinet are non white, and women?
Women (all background) = 45%
Non white = 55%
What fraction of Trump’s cabinet lacked gov experience?
What are examples of presidents attempting to persuade through speeches?
- Obama started singing Amazing Grace to gun lobby after the Charlton shooting in 2015.
- Biden at state of union address bringing parents of victim of police abuse.
What is an ‘imperial’ vs ‘imperilled’ presidency?
- Imperial = overly powerful due to a lack of effective checks and balances
- Imperilled = finds it difficult to exercise constitutional powers in the face of overly effective checks and balances.
How can Trump and Obama be seen as an imperilled president?
- having to work with a divided congress since Jan 2019. Refused to compromise over border proposals
- In 2013, he argued military action against Syria’s use of chemical weapons should be made with congressional approval