presentation- ddx Flashcards
21 yo female with visual aura, throbbing HA, sensory weakness/ numbness
*****migraine with aura tension HA psuedotumor cerebri neoplasm thromboembolic event (birth control?) CNS vasculitis partial seizure
w/u: MRI, LP w/ CSF, ESR
26 yo male with sharp HA, same time every day, with IPSILATERAL rhinorrea, tearing, eye redness, temporal pain that lasts SECONDS
*****cluster migraine tension pseudo tumor neoplasm
w/u: cbc, esr, MRI brain, CT head, LP csf
65 yo female, FEBRILE, unilateral temporal head ache with jaw claudication and ipsilateral blurred vision
TEMPORAL ARTERITIS migraine meningities carotid dissection trigeminal neuralgia TMJ
w/u-temp artery bx, esr, crp
(carotid us with doppler, MRI, CT)
30 yo female with FEVER, frontal ha, nasal dc, maxillary sinus pain
bacterial sinusitus**
xray sinus, ct sinus, LP
35 yo male with SUDDEN severe HA, left sided hemiplegia, nuchal rigidity, n/v
SAH**** IC bleed meningitis/encephalitis intracranial neoplasm acute hypertension
w/u: NON CON CT, lp-csf, pt/ptt/inr, utox
21 yo obese female with pulsatile ha, v/m, blurred vision
intracranial venous thrombosis
w/u: CSF with opening pressure, urine Hcg
ddx/wu for trigeminal neuralgia
cluster headache
MRI, ESR, cbc
81 yo with chronic memory loss, stepwise after strokes, hx of HTN
VASCULAR DEMENTIA B12 deficiency alzheimers thyroid NPH
w/u: B12, VDRL/PRP, TSH, CBC, Lytes, MRI brain
81 yo with memory loss, incontinence, disturbed gait over the last 6 months
NPH alzheimers vascular dementia intracranial neoplasm depression B12 deficiency depression
CT brain, VRDL/PRP, B12, TSH, LP w/ opening pressures
creutzfeld jacob
rapidly progressive dementia over a few months with STARTLE myoclonus
dx with EEG and CSF
random things to include on a confusion differential in an old person
chronic subdural hematoma depression b12 delirium neurosyphylis
73 yo male with sudden loss of vision in R eye, palpitations, SOB. Hx of afib
no HA, weakness, numbness, photophobia, redness, discharge
Retinal artery occlusion retinal vain occlusion acute angle glauc (would be painful) retinal detachment Temporal arteritis
Carotid US,
central retinal artery occlusion
acute, painless, unilateral vision loss
cherry red spot on macula
acute angle closure glaumcoma
opthalamic emergency –> red, painful, frontal headache, fixed, dilated pupil
differential for erectile dysfunction
drug side effects
medical d/o
PTSD vs Acute stress
1 month
normal grief can last up to…..
6 months
crying, sleeping, poor hygeine after death of loved one 2 months ago while seeing them in public places
Normal grief
Major depression with psychotic features
adjustment d/o with depressed mood
do physical exam, utox, tsh, cbc
dx of MDD
if alchol– > think substance induced depression
> 2 years, mild= dysthymia
bipolar 1 vs 2
1: manic +/- hypomanic phase
2: hypomanic, depressive phase
w/u: physical, mini mental, utox
MS differential and w/u
DDX: CNS vasculitis, conversion disorder, TIA, b12, tumor neurosyph
w/u: LP w/ CSF, MRI brain+spine, ESR, ANA, VRDL/RPR, CBC/lytes, b12
30yo male, imigrants, with night swests, cough, swollen glands for one month
TB acute HIV lymphoma leukemia hyperthyroid
w/u: PPD/quantiferon, CXR, HIV antibody, sputum gram stain acid fast, CBC