Presentation And Analysis Of Business Data 1 Flashcards
It is a factual information in a raw or unorganized form.
This involves categorical measurement expressed not in numbers but through a
natural language description.
Qualitative Data
This involves information about quantities that can be measured and written
down with numbers.
Quantitative Data
Is the branch of mathematics that focuses on collecting, organizing, analyzing, and interpreting
Data can be gathered from either:
Primary sources
Secondary sources
The person doing the research gathers the data him/herself.
Primary sources
The person doing the research uses data gathered by somebody
Secondary sources
It is mutually exclusive and exhaustive and is used to
differentiate classes or categories for pure classification or identification purposes.
is a property of a set of categories such that an individual or object is
included in only one (1) category.
Mutually exclusive
is a property of a set of categories such that an individual or object must appear in a category.
It is used in ranking. It is somewhat a stronger form of
measurement because an observed value classified into one (1) category is said to possess more of
a property being scaled than does an observed value classified into another category.
It is used to classify order and differentiate between classes or
categories in terms of degrees or differences._____ data are either discrete or continuous variables.
It differs from interval measurement in only one aspect, with a true
zero (0) point (absolute value of zero).
It is a set of facts or figures systematically displayed or organized, especially in columns.
are easily
constructed using the Word processor’s table function or a spreadsheet program like Excel.
The following are the different parts of a table:
Table number.
Head note
Stubs or Row headings
Body of the table.
Source note
It is the first item mentioned at the top of each table for easy identification and
Table number
It is the second item that is shown just above the table. It narrates the contents of the table. Hence it has to be very clear, brief, and carefully worded.
At the top of each column in a table, a column designation/head is given to explain the figures of the column. This column heading is known as “caption.”
The title of the horizontal rows is known as “____.”
Stubs or Row heading
It contains numeric information and reveals the whole story of investigated facts. Columns are read vertically from top to bottom, and rows are read horizontally from left to right.
Body of the table
It explains the specific feature of the table, which is not self-explanatory and has not been
explained earlier. For example, points of exception, if any.
It is a brief statement or phrase indicating the data source presented in the table
Source note
is the grouping of data into categories showing the number of observations in each non-overlapping class
Frequency Distribution