Presentation 4: Detection of SARS-CoV-2 from Exhaled Breath Flashcards
What is the current problem in detected SARS-CoV-2?
Current testing methods lack the ability to detect the virus in the lower respiratory tract
Issue because most fatalities occur due to the involvement of the lower respiratory tract
What is the gold standard of testing for COVID-19?
How can DNA barcoding be used to detect COVID-19?
1) Assign barcodes to patients
3) Amplicon Sequencing (NGS)
4) Amplicon Matching and Read Counts
5) Results
Same happens when specimens are pooled (NP, OP, Sputum)
What is DNA barcoding to detect COVID-19?
Based on current PCR practices coupled with NGS, detect infected individuals when samples are pooled, can predict viral variants
What is the Bubbler?
Breath-based detection method
Relies on viral RNA detection
Better indicator of current infection
How is the Bubbler set up?
Air vent Sample 15 mL Falcon TUbe Mineral Oil (Cold) RT reaction mix ( pooled primers targeting SARS-COV-2)
How does the Bubbler compare to existing technologies?
Less invasive, better measure for risk of contagion as it measures RNA in lungs, can detect SARS- COV-2 in the air, samples airborne viral particles
Risks associated with sputum induction
Contamination of exhaled breath
Does not identify content from cells with capacity to replicate the virus
How were the samples collected?
1) Exhaled breath using bubbler
2) 2 tongue scrapes for the control
How were the samples prepared for RT-PCR?
Scrapes were dipped in RT reaction mix Samples heated to inactivate virus RT reaction mixture mixed with: PCR primers SYBR green Nuclease free water
How was the RT-PCR performed?
1) Hold Stage
2) PCR * 40 cycles
3) Melt Curve
GoTaq master mix was used to detect 18s rRNA and ACE-2 receptor
What was determined regarding the ACE-2 receptor?
Tongue was positive for ACE-2, while the bubbler was not
Indicates Bubbler samples breath from lower respiratory tract
What was determined about the PCR performed in the bubbler?
Bubbler samples demonstrated RT-PCR efficiency that was similar to RNA extracted from cultured cells, and performing it at the site of collection eliminates RNA extraction and stabilization steps
More rRNA can be detected from the breath than from congenitally extracted RNA
What was determined about the Bubbler?
Results from the bubbler are similar to conventional tests for predicting abnormal chest X-Rays
Bubbler is good alternative to sampling lower respiratory tract
Why did the researchers perform IVT?
To test using the Bubbler as a control
Developed a high throughput assay to improve detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA
How did the researchers develop a high throughput assay?
Developed a plan to improve detection using IVTof SARS-CoV-2 RNA
Created a barcoded reverse transcription primer:
–> Barcode
–> UMI to distinguish amplicons from random duplication
–> T7 promoter to amplify signal
–> RT primer: targeted SARS-CoV-2 gene RNA or 18s RNA
How did the researchers determine number of IVT SARS- CoV-2 gene RNA in each serial dilution?
Correlation between expected barcode reads and observed reads
Detection of the assay was lost at 5th dilution, lowest detection was 334 genomic copies
How can the Bubbler be used to detect SARS- CoV-2 in the air?
Add vacuum pump and filed with mineral oil, water, and variety of humidifiers
H1: 79 bp
H2: 69 pb
H3: 59 bp
What happened when the researchers used the bubbler to detect SARS- CoV-2 in the air?
Room with high air flow: Upstream bubbler detected all H’s, but downstream bubbler detected only H1 (79 bp)
Room with low air flow: Bubbler captured all Hs
No control group, bad design
Why is the bubbler so special compared to an oral scrape or nasal swab
Bubbler: Current infection, Lower Respiratory Tract, Low aerosalization risk, and has environmental applications
The swabs: Current and solved infection, Upper Respiratory tract, have an aerosalization risk, and do not have environmental applications
What is RT-LAMP?
Reverse Transcription Loop Mediates Isothermal Amplification
Selecetive amplification of target nucleic acids
Amplifies genes at constant temperatures
How does RT-LAMP work?
Does not need high quality RNA, 4-6 primers, Bst DNA polymerase with strand displacement activity to minimize time, addition of reverse transcriptase
What is the Nanomaterial based sensor?
Sensor composed of gold nanoparticles linked to organic ligands
Creates diverse sensing layer that shrinks when exposed to VOCs
Viral agents emit VOCs that could indicate early infection, leading to immediate infection