Presentation Flashcards
Introduction (1)
Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing well. My name is James Brown, and today, I will be presenting how batteries are essential to energy flexibility.
Contents (2)
In my presentation, I will cover: What energy flexibility is, what merit order is, The importance of batteries in energy flexibility, The types of battery solutions available, The benefits of battery solutions, The challenges of battery adoption, The opportunities for E.ON And finally, the future of batteries.
What is Energy Flexibility? (3)
So firstly, what is energy flexibility:
Energy flexibility refers to the ability of network operators to adjust energy supply and demand dynamically, ensuring that the energy systems remain balanced at all times. This balance is crucial for avoiding power outages and making the most of renewable energy sources like wind and solar.
How does Energy Flexibility Work? (3)
In the UK, this is managed by the National Grid, the country’s network operator, which achieves balance through the Balancing Mechanism. This mechanism allows operators to respond to real-time changes in demand and supply, often within seconds.
Why is flexibility needed now? (3)
Flexibility is needed now more than ever due to The energy landscape rapidly changing. As renewable energy sources like wind and solar grow, their variability introduces challenges for the grid. Energy flexibility helps us overcome these challenges, ensuring renewable energy is fully utilized while maintaining reliability.
What is Merit Order? (4)
The Merit Order is a ranking system used to determine the sequence in which energy sources are utilized to meet demand, based on cost and environmental impact. So, the cheapest and cleanest sources, such as wind and solar, are prioritized, followed by nuclear, gas, and finally the most expensive and polluting options like peaking plants.
Order of Energy Sources? (4)
This Merit Order curve illustrates this concept by showing energy sources arranged by their marginal costs of production. Wind energy, represented in yellow, is the cheapest, followed by nuclear in green, gas in purple, and peaking plants in red. The price per megawatt-hour increases as demand rises emphasizing the importance of utilizing low-cost, clean energy first.
How Batteries fit in (4)
Batteries fit in as they enhance the Merit Order by storing cheap, renewable energy during periods of low demand, such as when wind or solar power generation exceeds consumption. This stored energy can then be released during peak demand to avoid reliance on expensive and polluting backup sources, like gas or coal. By doing so, batteries not only reduce energy costs but also support decarbonization and grid stability.
Importance of Batteries in Energy Flexibility (5)
Now, let’s explore the importance of batteries in enabling energy flexibility.
Energy Storage (5)
Regarding energy storage batteries act as reservoirs, storing excess energy from renewable sources during low-demand periods. Which is critical because solar panels generate the most electricity during midday, but demand usually peaks in the evening. We can see this in California, where large-scale battery systems store surplus solar energy and release it during evening peaks, reducing strain on the grid.
Grid Stability (5)
Batteries help with grid stability as they maintain grid frequency and voltage by responding to fluctuations in supply and demand. Where advanced systems can react within milliseconds, preventing blackouts. This is demonstrated with Australia’s Hornsdale Power Reserve which is a large-scale battery that stabilizes the grid by providing instant backup during system imbalances.
Peak Shaving (5)
Batteries can help with peak shaving by reducing the need for carbon-intensive power plants during peak demand, ultimately lowering costs and emissions. We can see this with time-of-use pricing programs which encourage consumers to charge their batteries during off-peak hours and then use stored energy during expensive peak periods.
Types of Battery Solutions (6)
Now let’s dive into the types of battery solutions available today:
Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) (6)
Battery Energy Storage Systems known as BESS are large installations designed to store energy for the entire grid and then pump this energy back onto the grid at peak times. Big advancements have been made into these systems like Tesla’s Megapack systems which are deployed worldwide to store renewable energy at large scales.
Residential Batteries (6)
Residential batteries are designed for homes, these systems pair with rooftop solar panels to maximize self-consumption and provide backup power. Examples of these are The Tesla Powerwall and The LG Residential Energy Storage Unit.