Presentation Flashcards
Welcome and Introduction
Hi all, welcome. Today we’re going to discuss how Canvas and the Canvas Family of products can help better support your efforts on reaching new learners, creating courses and programs that accommodate evolving student needs, and how current and future product developments are built to scale to diverse learner expectations.
Platform Slide
With that lifelong pursuit of education in mind, we’re going to be speaking about a few different components of the Instructure Learning Platform. A large focus will be on developments in Canvas, which serves as your hub of teaching and learning, but we’re going to share ideas how you can use developments across the Canvas Product Family to better support your existing and emerging online programs, and how you can use updates to our data and analytics capabilities to make more meaningful interventions, and iterate on your success across courses and programs.
Safe Harbor Slide
Quick disclaimer…there are sneak peaks into functionality that is yet to be released. Those feature sets may change based up user need, evolving strategy, etc.
What was your journey…
I want everyone to take a minute to think about their own learning journey. We’ll give everyone 3 mins to turn to the person next to you to tell them briefly how you got to where you are…. So, let’s think about your current state of supporting those types of learners at different stages of their journey and how we can help you, and how you can help us to better meet those evolving needs.
Career Intro
So, we’re going to talk about learning experiences today and Brian and I thought we would share our own experiences… we thought we’d get a vote on who had more twists and turns in their learning journey (or something like that)
Keep These Three Questions in Mind…
And here, thinking about how you support learners like yourself, like Brian and I on this stage, and the wide array of students you already serve? What are the ways you are ensuring students are staying engaged with their learning? Lastly, how can you optimize the tools at your disposal to support diverse learner needs?
Meet Our Learners
We’re going to showcase two learners, Brian here, and Kevin. Brian is taking a more traditional approach, going straight from high school into a 4 year program. He’s going to be on campus for the duration of his program, but he’ll have a couple of considerations along the way.
Kevin, on the other hand, is a young(ish) professional with a college degree from a decade before. He works full time and has children, so he knows he needs flexibility in the type of program he chooses. He knows he wants to go back to school to elevate his educational foundation and possibly his earning potential.
We’re going to structure this by taking a few stops to identify how product updates across the platform can help better support educators like you, more prominently show the innovation that you create for student learning on a daily basis, to give each of our learners an opportunity to succeed in their goals.
Multiple Enrollment Options
Then, we also added the ability (about this time last year), to bulk purchase seats in courses and programs. This expedites the process of saving seats for cohorts of learners, but Brian, can you tell us a little more about how this could be used?
Impact Messaging and Walkthroughs
A really beneficial way to provide better guidance around a new teaching and learning environment is through Impact. With recent updates such as walkthroughs, you can provide step-by-step guidance on tasks in an LMS. We’re looking here at a campaign message around a student’s dashboard, with an overview of what they’re seeing, and additional supplementary resources linked, so that a student can receive in-line assistance and foster a culture of self-enablement and support.
Streamline Course Building with Bulk Publish and Unpublish Modules
Next, as we’re building courses, we’re looking at how we can make administrative and instructional tasks more efficient.. We’ve been hearing about this need for some time, and we’re excited to deliver bulk publish & unpublish of Canvas Modules. This saves time as it alleviates the need to publish or unpublish individual course items, reducing clicks and adding more time to focus on instruction. Brian, anything to add?
Media with Editing and Embed Customizations
While finding the most efficient ways to set up courses, making sure course content is engaging and dynamic for learners is crucial. With these two updates, adding multimedia content that can be customized, both in terms of editing the content, but also the ways in which it’s accessed by students, means that you can better engage your learners. What are some ways you’ve used this Brian?
Mid Journey
We’ve focused so far on giving programs and courses structure prior to student involvement. Thinking about how administrative tasks can be made easier, we turn to facilitating a better, more personalized student experience at the course level. How can educators:
be empowered to give targeted feedback
improve opportunities for collaboration,
and give them an accessible and flexible environment across their courses.
A More Accessible Learning Environment with Studio
We circle back to Studio, where there are significant updates that have been released as well as some developments that bolster accessibility measures. With the existing captioning improvements:
In-line editing of captions with autosave
Download transcripts
Allow students to adjust size, position, background color of captions
Human captioning coming soon — integration with professional captioning services will deliver more accurate captions for end users
Bolster Collaborations with Improved Peer Review
Not only is teacher-student evaluation critical, but having student-to-student feedback to create better understanding through peer review can really help learners grow. With that in mind, we’ve:
made peer review more accessible within Canvas when assignment enhancements is enabled
Improved visibility through the assignment in module view.
Throughout the assignment submission process, students are presented with modals which guide them on what to do next.
The opportunities to begin peer review are more intuitive and can better ensure timely feedback
Broaden Submission Options with iWorks Support
This one is fairly straightforward, but much sought after. Our Apple suite users can rejoice, not including Brian here, but this allows for support within Docviewer of the Apple professional suite of applications, such as keynote, pages, and numbers.
This helps with students who may capture their work on iOS apps any of the desktop applications to submit their work
Grade in line without the need to download for instructors
This is only available in North America due to limitations with the Apple API’s