presentation 1 Flashcards
What is Education/Philosophy of Education
What is Education?
Education is not absolute
Education is concerned of teaching and learning
What does it mean to be educated?
Acquisition of knowledge in depth and breadth
Rules of Acquiring
We measure being educated against some level of certification
21st century skills
The twelve 21st Century skills are:
Critical thinking
Information literacy
Media literacy
Technology literacy
Social skills
Education is
The process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits.
What’s Education for?
-Methodical socialization of the young children and adults
-Formal education also to some extent may reinforce social mobility, social divides or even entrenches
-Education now is seen as a right but seldom as a privilege
Education: content
-Teacher has some clear notion of what is to be transmitted to the learners.
Taking the form of some specific content to be learned or it may take the form of attitudes to be acquired and opinions to be formed.
-Factual knowledgerefers to knowledge of terminology and specific details.
-Conceptual knowledgedescribes knowledge of categories, principles, theories, and structures.
-Procedural knowledgeencompasses all forms of knowledge related to specific skills, algorithms, techniques, and methods.
-Metacognitive knowledgedefines knowledge related to thinking — knowledge about cognitive tasks and self-knowledge (“Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy,” n.d.).
Education and Ethics
-Teacher transmit in a morally acceptable way
-Education is conducted morally believing its outcomes are essentially good
Is it worthwhile?
A commitment to value, to some supposedly worthwhile end to be achieved.
Education: What is its Goals
Human development
Cultural transmission
Social cohesion/interaction/
What is education for?
-Certification (formal education)
-The idea that formal education can be used to reproduce society, mold society or create a new society has been widely discussed and written about in the West.
-Education has the power to shape the collection of individuals into communities
Current Notions of Education
-Equating between education and studying
-Studying implies some sort examination
-Should we value some knowledge and skills over others?
-Why do we establish a hierarchy of knowledge?
-The school is tasked to bring about social, cultural, intellectual and economic changes
-Schools are also expected to feed society with graduates that benefit it through:
-Produce goods, Knowledge and Services
-There is a shared philosophy that what schooling is for and who it serves.
-Traditionally thought for as a place of knowledge
-A school can be socializing agent
Knowing and what it means to know
Shows how
Knows how
From an Educator perspective: Knowing and what it means to know
Shows others
Shoes how
Knows how
Philosophy of Education
-Philosophy: A fully developed body of thought concerned with the nature of the self.
-is a framework of ideas about the nature of reality and of human life, including what is valuable in life.
-Educational thought and philosophies are influenced by traditional, as well as modern and contemporary trends.
-Philosophies of education are not produce in vacuum and are the result of way
Personal Philosophy
-A personal philosophy of education is necessary to direct a teacher’s classroom practices and facilitate critical assessment of educational policies and structures.
-A personal philosophy of education can be developed by drawing on a study of major philosophical positions and integrating this with personal life and professional experience.
-Theories : Set of ideas or beliefs often based on research findings or generalizations from practice that guide educational policies
-A set of statements designed to explain certain phenomena
-tentative explanations that must be examined
Examines the nature of ultimate reality - What is real and what is not
Deals with knowledge and knowing
It is the theory of values (from the root word/’axios” meaning “of like value” or “worth as much as”)