Present Tense Irregulers Flashcards
Poner = to put
Pongo (Then rest conjugated as usual) Pones Pone Ponemos Ponéis Ponen
Hacer - to do
Hago (Then rest conjugated as usual) Haces Hace Hacemos Hacéis Haven
Rest as usual
Traigo (Then rest as norm) Traes Trae Etc.
Salir- to leave
Then rest as usual
Caer- to fall
Caigo Caes Cae Caemos Caeis (no accent!!) Caen
Oír - to hear
Oiga Oyes Oye Oímos Oís Oyen
Most verbs ending in -cer or -cir are irregular. Which part is conjugated irregularly and how is it conjugated??
The yo form.
Eg aparecer > aparezco
The rest of the verb is conjugated normally
Ser - to be
Soy Eres Es Somos Sois Son
Saber- to know
Sé Sabes Sabe Sabemos Sabéis Saben
Name verbs which are stem changing e > ie
Which forms of the conjugated verb change?
Cerrar - to close Comenzar - to start Despertar - to awaken Defender - to defend Empezar - to start, begin Entender- to understand Negar- to deny Pensar - to think Perder - to lose Querer- to want
All forms except nosotros and vosotros
Name some verbs which stem change o > ue
Which forms do this?
Acordar - to remember Armorzar - to lunch Contar- to tell, count Costar - to cost Encontrar - to find, meet Mostrar- to show Probar - to prove Recordar - to remember Devolver- to return, give back Envolver - to wrap Mover - to move Poder - to be able to Volver - to return
All except nosotros and vosotros forms
Juego Juegas Juega Jugamos Jugáis Juegan
Tengo Tienes Tiene Tenemos Tenéis Tienen
Venir - to come
Vengo Vienes Viene Venimos Venís Vienen
Name some second class stem changing e > ie verbs
What forms do these not apply?
What is second class?
Mentir - to lie
Preferir - to prefer
Sentir - to regret
Sugerir- to suggest
The nosotros and vosotros forms
Second class means the stems change in other tenses as well as the present
Name some stem changing verbs e > i
What forms does this not apply to
Despedir- to dismiss, fire Freír - to fry Impedir - to impede Medir- to measure Pedir- to ask for Reír - to laugh Reñir - to argue Repetir - to repeat Servir - to serve Sonreír - to smile
Nosotros and vosotros
Reír - to laugh
Río Ríes Ríe Reímos Reís Ríen
Seguir- to follow
Sigo Sigues Sigue Seguimos Seguís Siguen
Decir - to say
Digo Dices Dice Decimos Decís Dicen
Verbs ending uir take a y in all forms of the present except nosotros and vosotros. Name some of these verbs
Constribuir - to contribute Disminuir - to diminish Distribuir - to distribute Huir - to flee, escape Incluir- to include Sustituir - to substitute
Huyo Huyes Huye Huimos Huís Huyen
Estoy Estás Está Estamos Estáis Están
When do you use ser
Description Occupation Characteristics Time Origin Relation ( to a person)
Estar uses
Position Location Action Condition Emotion