Present Tense Flashcards
What is the present tense conjugation of ‘être’ for ‘je’?
je suis
What is the present tense conjugation of ‘avoir’ for ‘tu’?
tu as
Fill in the blank: The present tense conjugation of ‘aller’ for ‘il’ is ____.
il va
True or False: The verb ‘faire’ is an irregular verb in the present tense.
What is the present tense conjugation of ‘prendre’ for ‘nous’?
nous prenons
What is the present tense conjugation of ‘venir’ for ‘vous’?
vous venez
What is the present tense conjugation of ‘voir’ for ‘elles’?
elles voient
Fill in the blank: The present tense conjugation of ‘devoir’ for ‘je’ is ____.
je dois
What is the present tense conjugation of ‘savoir’ for ‘tu’?
tu sais
True or False: ‘Dire’ is conjugated as ‘je dis’ in the present tense.
What is the present tense conjugation of ‘mettre’ for ‘il’?
il met
What is the present tense conjugation of ‘pouvoir’ for ‘nous’?
nous pouvons
Fill in the blank: The present tense conjugation of ‘manger’ for ‘vous’ is ____.
vous mangez
Which of the following is the correct present tense form of ‘écrire’ for ‘je’? a) j’écris b) je écris
a) j’écris
What is the present tense conjugation of ‘lire’ for ‘elles’?
elles lisent
What is the present tense conjugation of ‘ouvrir’ for ‘tu’?
tu ouvres
Fill in the blank: The present tense conjugation of ‘boire’ for ‘nous’ is ____.
nous buvons
True or False: ‘Choisir’ is an irregular verb in the present tense.
What is the present tense conjugation of ‘courir’ for ‘il’?
il court
What is the present tense conjugation of ‘voir’ for ‘je’?
je vois
Fill in the blank: The present tense conjugation of ‘tenir’ for ‘vous’ is ____.
vous tenez
What is the present tense conjugation of ‘valoir’ for ‘il’?
il vaut
Which of the following is the correct present tense form of ‘craindre’ for ‘nous’? a) nous craignons b) nous crains
a) nous craignons
What is the present tense conjugation of ‘naître’ for ‘elles’?
elles naissent
What is the present tense conjugation of ‘vivre’ for ‘je’?
je vis
Fill in the blank: The present tense conjugation of ‘répondre’ for ‘tu’ is ____.
tu réponds
True or False: ‘Rendre’ is an irregular verb in the present tense.
What is the present tense conjugation of ‘connaître’ for ‘il’?
il connaît
What is the present tense conjugation of ‘descendre’ for ‘nous’?
nous descendons
Fill in the blank: The present tense conjugation of ‘réussir’ for ‘vous’ is ____.
vous réussissez
Which of the following is the correct present tense form of ‘sortir’ for ‘je’? a) je sors b) je sort
a) je sors
What is the present tense conjugation of ‘entendre’ for ‘elles’?
elles entendent
True or False: ‘Se souvenir’ is a regular verb in the present tense.
What is the present tense conjugation of ‘acheter’ for ‘tu’?
tu achètes
What is the present tense conjugation of ‘appeler’ for ‘il’?
il appelle
Fill in the blank: The present tense conjugation of ‘jeter’ for ‘je’ is ____.
je jette
What is the present tense conjugation of ‘préférer’ for ‘vous’?
vous préférez
Which of the following is the correct present tense form of ‘acheter’ for ‘elles’? a) elles achètent b) elles achète
a) elles achètent
What is the present tense conjugation of ‘s’appeler’ for ‘nous’?
nous nous appelons
True or False: The verb ‘manger’ is irregular in the present tense.
What is the present tense conjugation of ‘se lever’ for ‘je’?
je me lève
What is the present tense conjugation of ‘se coucher’ for ‘tu’?
tu te couches
Fill in the blank: The present tense conjugation of ‘se souvenir’ for ‘vous’ is ____.
vous vous souvenez