Present Subjunctive Flashcards
I hope we can speak
Espero que podamos hablar
We insist that you have the money
Insistimos en que tengas el dinero
I hope that she speaks with me tomorrow
Espero que ella hable conmigo manana
I want you to eat the the bread
Quiero comas el pan
We pray that you are well
Rogamos que estes bien
She hopes that you can come to the party
Espera que puedas venir a la fiesta
They want us to do it
Ellos quieren que lo hagamos
We insist that you eat with us
Insistimos en que comas con nosotros
I prefer that we don’t leave the house until 5
Prefiero no sagamos la casa hasta las cinco
Perhaps we can go
Quiza podamos ir
It makes me happy that you smile
Me alegro de que sonrias
My doctor recommends I drink more water
Mi doctor recomienda que beba mas agua
I doubt he knows how to drive
Dudo que él sepa a conducir