present subjunctive 2 Flashcards
espero que la pases bien
I hope you had a good time
I hope you like it
Espero que te guste
I hope you call me
espero que me llames
he wanted her to show him the treasure
quería que ella le mostrara el tesoro
I tell you to go to the doctor
yo te digo que vayas al doctor
can you tell her to call me
puede usted decirle que me llame
la carretera
the road
la cascada
the waterfall
to get lose, lost oneself
to try (to do something)
piden que
they demand that
I don’t believe that Alicia knows the date
No creo que Alicia sepa la fecha
They doubt that there is alot of traffic today
Ellos dudan que haya mucho tráfico hoy
nada grave
nothing serious
to advise
I doubt that you will see me in the meeting
Yo dudo que usted me vean en la reunión
I don’t think Maria is upset
No creo que Mario esté enojada
I don’t think that Pedro is upset
No Creo que Pedro esté enojado
We like that he loves us
Nos gusta que él nos ame