Present Perfect Simple vs Present Perfect Continuous Flashcards
On se učí německy tři měsíce.
He has been learning German for three months.
Napsali francouzskou báseň?
Have they written a French poem?
Můj bratr hraje celý den videohry.
My brother has been playing video games all day.
Ještě jsem neviděl slona.
I haven’t seen an elephant yet.
Učil ses japonsky?
Have you learned Japanese?
Už jsi dnes obědval?
Have you had lunch today?
Jak dlouho studuješ na této škole?
How long have you been studying at this school?
Právě přišla domů.
She has just come home.
Poslední dobou máš spoustu práce.
You’ve had a lot of work lately.
On tam sedí už od 8 hodin.
He’s been sitting there since 8 o’clock.
David nosí celý týden stejné kalhoty.
David has been wearing the same trousers all week.
Vypadáš unaveně. Pracuješ přesčasy?
You look tired. Have you been working overtime?
Neučíme se anglicky od 3. třídy.
We haven’t been learning English since 3rd grade.
Ještě jsem dnes nečetl noviny.
I haven’t read the newspaper today.
Celé ráno si čtou knížku.
They have been reading a book all morning.