Present Perfect "I Have..." Flashcards
I have started learning Cornish again
Ma dallys genam desky Kernowek arta
I have seen the new film
Ma gwellys genam an fylm nowydh
I have eaten the whole cake
Ma debrys genam an desen dhien
I have seen that woman before now
Ma gwelys genam an venen na kens lebmyn
I have heard the bad news
Ma clowys genam an nowodhow yeyn
You (s.) have started learning Cornish again
Ma dallys genes desky Kernowek arta
You (s.) have listened to the radio today
Ma cosowes genes ort an radyo hedhyw
You (s.) have eaten the cake already
Ma debrys genes an desen seulabres
You have bought many broccolis
Ma pernys genes lies broclo
You (s.) have drunk another glass of wine
Ma evys genes gwedren aral a win
He has started eating the bread
Ma dallys ganjo debry an bara
He has heard this song already
Ma clowes ganjo an gan ma seulabres
He has written a new book
Ma scrifys ganjo lever nowydh
He has seen a grey fox by the river
Ma gwelys ganjo lowarn loos reb an awon
He has lost his cat
Ma kellys ganjo y gath