Present Continuos Flashcards
Ali i Geri sede na klupi u parku.
Ali and Garry are sitting on a bench at the park.
Trenutno se spremamo.
At the moment we are getting ready.
Danas imam izvođenje u bendu.
Today I’m performing in a bend.
Moja mama i tata sede na klupi.
My mum and dad are sitting on a bench.
Da li ona vozi skejtbord sada? Ne.
Is she skateboarding now? No, she isn’t.
On puno putuje ovih dana.
He is travelling a lot these days.
Oni ne snimaju pesmu sada.
They are not recording a song at the moment.
Danas pišem blog.
Today I’m writing a blog.
Karla sada čita e-knjigu.
Carla is reading an e-book now.
Zašto četuješ s prijateljima sada?
Why are you chatting with your friends now?
Slusas li me sada?
Are you listening to me now?
Sta ja radim ovde?
What am I doing here?
Oni ne slusaju.
They are not listening.
Majkl je na fakultetu. Studira istoriju.
Michael is at university. He is studying History.
Upravo idem s posla.
I‘m just leaving work.
SSSS. Deca spavaju.
Shhh. The children are sleeping.
Tim razgovara telefonom.
Tom is talking on the phone.
Oni cetuju.
They are chatting online.
On gleda u tablu.
He is looking at the board.
Ona slusa nastavnicu.
She is listening to the teacher.
Ona pise na tabli.
She is writing on the board.
Deca danas nose nove unoiforme.
The children are wearing new uniforms today.
Tina nosi plavu haljinu.
Tina is wearing a blue dress.
Mi ne razgovaramo telefonom.
We are not talking on the phone.
Ja se sada ne dopisujem s prijateljem.
I am not texting my friend now.
Oni ne preuyimaju pesmu.
They are not downloading a song.
Moji drugovi sada rade domaci.
My friends are doing their homework at the moment.
Deca jedu slatkise.
The children are eating sweets.
Ona peva lepu pesmu.
She is singing a nice song.
On zove svog prijatelja.
He is calling his friend.
Ona sprema veceru za nas.
She is preparing dinner for us.
Da li ucite?
Are you studying?
Da li ucite pesmu napamet?
Are you learning a poem by heart?
Da li deca sada doruckuju?
Are the children having breakfast now?