Prescriptivists Flashcards
correct way to use language
preserve standard forms
Standard English and RP as superior
Disagree with: rising intonation, american spellings, split infinitives, grammatical conversion, beginning sentences with conjunctions and ending with prepositions, double superlatives
Samuel Johnson
published his dictionary of the English Language, 1755
larger and more thorough than earlier versions
standardised spelling
initially strove to fix English but found it impossible
Robert Lowth
published the first English grammar book, 1762
set out fundamental rules for correct usage
argued that some constructions are grammatically wrong (multiple negation, split infinitives)
advocated latin-based rules
Jonathan Swift
1712, sought to ascertain and improve the English language forever - wanted to apppoint experts
thought the english language wad in chaos
contractions ar inelegant and corrupt the english language
criticises young sociolects which can be related to present day concerns
John Humphrys
Article ‘I H8 txt Msgs’, 2007
dislikes text speech
dislikes tautology
dislikes incorrect pronoun usage
Lynn Truss
Eats, Shoots and Leaves ; the zero tolernce approach to punctuation
bemoans the state of punctuation in the UK and US - says rules are being relaxed
particularly concerned with the accurate use of apostrophes