Preschoolers Flashcards
Uses primarily telegraphic speech, complete senteces of three or four words
3 years
Ties shoelaces
5 years
Uses scissors well
5 years
Jumps rope
5 years
Imaginary playmates are common
4 years
Rides tricycle
3 years
Dresses self almost completely
3 years
Eruption of permanent dentition my begin
5 years
Uses senteces of four or five words
4 Years
Copies a circle imitates a cross
3 years
skips and hopes on one foot
4 years
knows names of days, of the week, and other time associated words.
5 years
Feeds self completly
3 years
Play is associative, tries to follow rules but may cheat to avoid losing.
5 years
Begins to share
3 Years
Play is parallel and associative; begins to play simple games but often follows own rules
3 years
Sexual exploration and curiosity demonstrated through play, such as being doctor and nurse
4 years
Uses dramatic, imaginative, and imitative devices
4 Years