Judicial Review limited to?
cases and controversies under Art III, Sec. 2. No advisory opinions
Private Rights v Public Rights Models - Private Rights?
Private Rights Model - function of courts is exclusively to resolve the rights of the parties before them in the context of traditionally structured lawsuits involving specifically injured Ps seeking relief from specific Ds
Marbury v Madison - “the province of the Court is solely to decide on the rights of individuals”
Private Rights v Public Rights Models - Public Rights?
The special function of the Court to make sure that other branches of govt adhere to constitutional limitations on their power
Marbury v Madison - “it is emphatically the province and duty of the judicial department to say what the law is”
What is an advisory opinion?
any judgment subject to review by or advice given to co-equal branch of government.
3 requirements for standing
- Injury in Fact
- legally cognizable (D;s action must have caused harm & there is causal connection b/t injury and D’s conduct)
- redressable (court’s ruling must redress/remedy the injury)
3 Elements of Injury in Fact?
- distinct and palpable (must affect you individually and materially)
- not abstract or hypothetical (case & controversy)
- actual and imminent (Twiqball - fairly traceable to action being challenged)
What are the 2 types of standing limitations?
- Prudential - rules that the court imposes upon itself but would not be unconstitutional
- Constitutional - cases and controversies
Allen v Wright
F - parents of black school children allege stigmatic injury and inferior education
C - no standing - stigmatic injury fails b/c not distinct and palpable
R - One does not have standing to sue in federal court unless he can challenge the violation of a right personal to him
US v Scrap
F - law students challenged failure of Interstate commerce Commission to prep environmental impact statement prior to suspending surcharge on freight.
C - standing b/e there is injury in fact that is distinct and palpable, not abstract or hypothetical, actual and imminent (b/c they use park)
Heckler v Matthews
F - challenged fed statute giving larger SS benefits to women than men alleged injury was non-economic, discrimination.
R - standing upheld b/c discrimination can cause non-economic injuries to persons who are personally denied equal treatment.
LA v Lyons
F - P choked unconsciousness by police.
R - injury is hypothetical b/c future injury to P too speculative.
Lujan v Defenders of Wildlife
F - Endangered Species Act no longer requiring action by foreign nations.
R - Congress cannot create standing when an injury in fact, a causal connection and redressability are not present.
C - no standing
Mass v EPA
F - Mass suing EPA b/c they failed to issue regulations regulating greenhouse gas emissions
C - standing b/c states have special solicitude - stake in protecting state as quasi-sovereign
(State cannot sue fed govt on behalf of its citizens, but can on its own behalf to protect its own interests)
What is a Qui Tam Action?
lawsuit brought by private citizen (Relator) against person or company who is believed to have violated the law in the performance of a K with the govt or in violation of a govt regulation, when there is a statute which provides for a pealty for such violations.
Qui tam suits are grought for “the govt as well as the P”
What is taxpayer standing rule?
Federal taxpayer must allege:
- that challenged enactment is an exercise of the taxing and spending power; and
- that the challenged enactment offends a specific limitation on the taxing and spending power.