Prerequisites for Azure administrators Flashcards
You want to associate each VM with its respective department
Assign tags to the VM
Can you turn of a vm and resize it, if it part of an availability set?
Yes, if you turn of all the vm’s in the availablity set.
Thats because vm’s in an availability set need to alike
Can you detach a disk from a vm, and put it in another vm?
Rules for Resource groups
- Resources can only exist in one resource group.
- Resource Groups cannot be renamed.
- Resource Groups can have resources of many
different types (services). - Resource Groups can have resources from many
different regions.
Factors to consider when defining resource groups
- All resources sahre the same lifecycle(deploy, update, and delete them together).
- Can add and remove a resource to a resource group at any time
- Can move resource group from one to another
- can be used to scope access controll for administrative actions.
- A resource can interact with other resources in other resource groups.
Resource Manager locks
prevents the accidental deletion of resources.
You can associate the lock with a subscription, resource group or resource
Two types of resource locks
Read-Only locks - prevent any changes to the resource
Delete locks - prevent deletion
What happens if you delete a resource group
You remove the resource group and all its resources