prequiz Flashcards
The model of the sky is called the Celestial Sphere. The point directly overhead on this sphere is called ———
Our Earth’s axis is tilted by an angle of ——— degrees.
If you stood at the Earth’s North Pole, ——– would be seen overhead.
north celestial pole
The path that Sun appears to take around the Celestial Sphere every year is called ——–
For observers in Continental United States, the star group: Big Dipper ———
never sets
The entire sky is divided into ——- constellations.
At the ——–, stars rise straight up and set straight down.
Big Dipper is an example of a Pattern within the Constellation: ——–
ursa major
The time it takes for the Moon to complete one full rotation on its axis = ——–
27.3 days
The dark areas on the Moon’s surface are called ———
Our Moon is thought to have formed
when a mars sized bullet impacted earth
On December 21st, the Sun is ———
southern celestial equator
When exactly one half of the Moon is illuminated by the Sun, we say that the Moon is in the ——– phase.
The time taken for the Moon to complete one full cycle of lunar phases is ——–
29.5 days
We can see both the near and far sides of the Moon from Earth!
false. rotation period = orbital period
synchronous rotation
in 14,000 years what star will become the pole in the northern hemisphere?
A lunar eclipse is seen when
earth is in between the sun and moon
how many planets can be seen with the unaided eye?
Eratosthenes measured ——— by observing Sun rays at Alexandria and Syene in Egypt.
diameter of earth
Aristotle and most of the ancient Greek scholars beleived in ———
an earth centric model
——– is the apparent backward motion of planets against the background stars.
retrogade motion
———- had to be introduced by Ptolemy in his model to explain the observed backward motion of planets.
———- was responsible in developing the new Sun-Centric Model.
Galileo’s observations regarding ———- showed that the Sun-Centric Model must be correct!
phases of venus
It was the great European observer: ———, who had built sophisticated instruments to measure angles of celestial objects in the sky.
tycho brahe
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. This is ———
newton’s third law of motion
Maxwell had realized that light is a form of disturbance that propagates in space. It was called ———–
electromagnetic radiation
The weight of an object depends on the local force of gravity. Given that Moon’s gravity is just 1/6th that of Earth’s, one’s weight would be ——- on the Moon.
According to Newton’s Second Law, in the presence of an external force, an object will ——–
Galileo’s observations regarding ———- provided the strongest evidence that the Sun-Centric Model must be correct!
phases of venus
According to Newton’s Law of Gravity, the force of gravitational attraction between two bodies increases as their ———-
masses increase
The speed required to escape from the gravitational influence of a body is termed the Escape Speed. What is the speed required to escape from Earth?
11 kms/second
Light is a disturbance that can be characterized by the distance between successive crests of the disturbance. This is called the ———
Spring Tides are produced during ———
new and full moon
Tides on Earth are produced by ——-
the moon and sun’s gravitational effects